The Challenge

We would like you to build a small application using the SoundCloud public API. You can write your solution for any platform of your choice, whether it’s Android, iOS, web, or even the command-line.

The goal of your application is to provide an interesting way to explore tracks via SoundCloud’s Search API. You are free to choose a way to display the results, but at least include the track title and username.

The Problem

As a musician and avid Sound Cloud user, one of the main issues that exist in the Sound Cloud search experience is the inability to search for things using geographic location. This is a feature that is usually standard on almost every high caliber web platform such as Sound Cloud. The fact that Sound Cloud allows users to enter in nick names and aliases for their city and state makes it impossible to find users or songs by location.

The Solution

I created a simple app that allows people to search for all the songs pertaining to a specific genre. Once found you can then click on a song and get all the songs that belong to the user who posted the song. You can also further filter by the location of the user. For instance, if you wanted to find all the users who have songs in the hip-hop genre that live in Atlanta, then you could do so. App displays the user avatar, username and location for the genre search; song artwork, play button, song title, and # of favorites for each song. As a musician who likes to collaborate with other musicians, I feel like this feature would allow Sound Cloud to be a great tool to find other musicians in in a specific area with similar taste.

Other Features

Solution also includes a sort feature that allows you to sort results from A-Z or Z-A.

The Future

In the future I would like to integrate a feature that rejects users from putting in false city & state names. The integration of this feature shouldn't be too difficult. I could use a third party API that populates an object with all the cities in the world and check each users input for city and state against the official city and state names contained in the API. At this point my solution would be most effective. I also have the app ready and set up to take advantage of React-Redux which will allow my app to be very manageable in the future as the project gets bigger.

Ideas Not Implemented

The main focus of my app was to implement a search feature that allows you to find users in a specific location that listen to a certain genre of music. Then allowing you to click on that user to pull up all of the rest of their tracks and stream them. Though I have my app set up to run testing with Mocha and Chai, I wasn't able to implement it fully. The issue that I am having difficulty with is getting my testing environment to recognize the SC (Sound Cloud) object.

Technologies Used

  1. React
  2. React-Redux
  3. React-Router
  4. Webpack
  5. Babel
  6. Sound Cloud's API
  7. Sass

API End Points

  1. /tracks/people GET all tracks
  2. /tracks/users/:id GET user by id


$ npm install

To run the app:

$ npm start
