**Phonebook is a web application that stores contact information.The user can either see a list of all contacts or click on the contact name to view more detail. There is also an option to create, update or delete a contact. **

Technologies and frameworks:

API End Points

  1. /api/people GET all people
  2. /api/people/:id GET a specific person by id
  3. /api/people/ POST (create) a new person
  4. /api/people/:id DELETE a person by id
  5. /api/people/:id PUT (update) a specific person's info


$ npm install

Set up the server/db/config/config.json file to your own configuration. Add a database named Spotify to your PostgreSQL database.

To run the app:

$ npm start

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do you have to go to the contact's to update them?
No. There is an option to edit the user on the list view. You can find the list view on the home page
What was the most challenging part of the project?
Allowing components to be reusable for multiple purposes. For example the DisplayPerson component is used in the list view and the profile page.
What do you plan on implementing in the future?
1. Allow users to sign in. 2. Add more contact information in the database.

##License: All content of this project is licensed for use under the MIT license. All registered trademarks belong to their respective owners.