
Some IRC bots for the lols.

Primary LanguagePython

IRC Bots

Various bots written in ruby using cinch.


Various bots written in python using sockets.


  • cinch==2.2.4
  • python==2.7
  • postgresql==9.3
  • postgresql-contrib==9.3
  • pip==1.5.4
  • peewee==2.4.6
  • psycopg2==2.6

Setting Up Postgresql on Linux

Since this can be a giant pain in the dick:

  • Install requirements above
  • sudo -u postgres psql
  • CREATE ROLE <the username> WITH LOGIN PASSWORD '<the password>' CREATEDB;
  • CREATE DATABASE <some dbname> OWNER <the username>;
  • \c <some dbname>
  • quit postgres
  • useradd <the username>
  • sudo vim /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf
  • Change peer to md5
  • sudo service postgresql restart
  • sudo -u <the username> psql
  • Enter <the password>

If this doesn't work: let Brian know he fucked up the instructions.