
Random wallpaper setter with command line interface

Primary LanguagePython


Random wallpaper setter with command line interface



  • Run wallch.py <root_image_dir> on login.
  • Add wallch to your path.


Random selection of commands

wallch: Randomly switch to a different background

wallch get: Get the location of the current background

wallch set ~/Pictures/walls/space.jpg: Set the current image to space.jpg

wallch set -1: Go back to the previous image

wallch pause: Don't update the wallpaper until a wallch play

wallch delay 10: Set the delay between wallpaper changes to 10 seconds

wallch history: List a history of files displayed by wallch

wallch errors: List files which your background program had problems setting (eg. dotfiles, misformatted images)

wallch help: Show a description of all commands

wallch list_images | wc -l: The number of images currently known

To load new images at runtime:

wallch add_dir ~/Pictures/walls
wallch reload



  • Works under python 2 and 3.
  • Currently only supports feh as a background setter
    • Designed to be modular. Feel free to add your own and push them.
  • Not PEP8 compliant. We use 2 space tabs at work and I'm used to it. Deal.