
This site makes easy to send Emails to many People on Oneclick.

Primary LanguageJavaScript



Table of Contents
  1. About The Project
  2. Getting Started
  3. Contributors

About The Project


Previously, Masai School used to create certificates for students' achievements manually with the help of Google Sheets which consumed a lot of time. In order to overcome this dependency on Google Sheets and reduce manual efforts, we created a website so that the Masai School team could create certificates in bulk and send them to their respective student’s email.


PRD      HLD      Notion

Backend Repo

Backend Repo


Admin will generates certificates for users for their achievements and sends them to their respective emails and student will view their certificates and they can share them on social media platforms.


  • To reduce the manual efforts and dependency on google sheets.
  • A seamless system for creating certificates for various achievements in Masai School.
  • Provide an automated and fast system which handles the request in bulk.


Admin: Sign up with Email and Password Sign in with Email and Password Store password in DB after hashing Forgot Password option Create a Sample Certificate with dummy data Edit the created sample certificate Upload CSV file which contains bulk data Send certificates to all of the student's mail

Student : Sign up with Email and Password Sign in with Email and Password Forgot Password option View the certificates related to his/her Share it on social media platforms

Built With

Getting Started

Following are the simple steps to run this project.


  • npm
    npm install 


  1. Clone the frontend repo
    git clone https://github.com/masai-builds/Certidigital-fe.git
  2. Clone the backend repo
    git clone https://github.com/masai-builds/Certidigital-be.git 
  3. Run
    npm start
  4. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser
  5. Open http://localhost:8080 to backend run in the browser (npm run dev)

Test Credentials

To login in the app as admin use email demoAdmin@gmail.com and password Admin@123
To login in the app as student use email demoStudent@gmail.com and password Student@123

Tools and Libraries

  • [Redux] - State Management
  • [Sentry] - Error Tracking
  • [React-testing-Library] - Integration testing
  • [AntDesign] - CSS styling classes
  • [nodeJs] - Server environment
  • [ExpressJs] - Routing, middleware
  • [JWT] - JSON Web Token for authorization and authentication
  • [Swagger] = API Developer tool
  • [Winston] - App logging
  • [redis] - Response optimization

Contributors ✨

Pankaj Kumar Ram

github gmail linkedin
Saraswati Panda

github gmail linkedin
Pratik Ganjale

github gmail linkedin
Dhiraj Dubey

github gmail linkedin