DVD Rental Joins

Getting Started

Use this template to get started.

Learning Objectives

  • Write a JOIN query to return relational data in two SQL tables
  • Write a SELECT query that JOINs two SQL tables via a junction table


Using the DVD Rental Data provided by the PostgreSQL Tutorial you are going to perform a series of joins. Refer to the website for the list of tables, columns and foreign key relationships.

You only need to edit the exercise-*.sql files NOT the tests.

To validate your queries, run npm run test.

Acceptance Criteria

  • You need to finish at least 8 of exercises 1-10
  • Finish at least 2 of exercises 11-15
  • Up to 2.5 bonus points for finishing extra exercises (0.5 points per)


Task Points
8 of Exercises 1-10 pass 8
2 of Exercises 11-15 pass 2
Bonus 0.5 points for each additional Exercise +2.5