
This is a web application that takes a user's birthday and calculates the day of the week they were born and then depending on their gender outputs their Akan Name

Primary LanguageCSS

Akan Project

Author name

Beth Nduta Kiarie

Description of Akan Project

This is a web application project that takes a user's birthday and calculates the day of the week they were born and then depending on their gender, the application ouputs their Akan Name.


Live Page

Installation/ Setup Requirements

  • Open your text editor (VS code/Atom/Sublime text)
  • Open Terminal {CTRL + ALT + T}
  • Create a github account
  • git clone
  • open the link from your saved repository

Technologies Used

  1. [HTML]- for structuring the web page and its content
  2. [CSS]- to style and layout web pages
  3. [JAVASCRIPT]- allow you to make web pages interactive that will help engage the user.


Enter your birth century for example If you are born in the 19th century you'll input 19 to represent maybe 1999.

  • Enter your Birth Year for example 99 for 1999
  • Enter your Birth Month for example8 for August
  • Enter your birthday date for example 18
  • select your gender that is whether Male or Female


  • Century Input - 19
  • Year INput - 98
  • Month Input - 8
  • Date Input - 18
  • Gender - Female

Contact Information

For more information concerning this project don't hesitate to reach me through my email [bethnduta05@gmail.com]


MIT license