Project Description

Project Requirements

  • This project needs to be completed by a certain time and date -- check with your mentor for your deadline. (In most cases the deadline will be close to the time Group projects start.)
  • You will have three days to complete this project.
  • To successfully pass off this project, you will need to walk through the app and discuss how the code makes it work.


  • The basic task for this project is building an e-commerce website. You should focus on functionality more than form/appearance. In other words, don't worry very much about styling and CSS. Instead, demonstrate that you can create something that has all of the functionality of an e-commerce website with a shopping cart. That means
    • routing, with a products page and a cart page.
    • products stored in and loaded from a database.
    • full CRUD (create, read, update, delete) working from front to back.
    • one JOIN statement in your SQL.
  • To help you think about what the app needs to do, there are some requirements written from the perspective of a user below.

User Requirements

As a user ...

  • I can visit the site and see products for sale.
  • I can add a product to my shopping cart.
  • I can navigate to the cart page and view my shopping cart.
    • I should be able to refresh the page and still see the contents of my cart loaded from the database.
  • I can delete an item from my shopping cart.
  • I can edit the quantity of an item in my shopping cart.
  • I can checkout, which should clear my cart.


  • There should be no authentication for this app, neither through Auth0, nor setting it up on sessions yourself.
  • Because of the lack of authentication, assume that only one user will be using your app.
  • You should not need Redux for this app either
  • You have very limited access to mentors for this project. You need to complete all of the major parts of the project on your own. Mentors can assist when you have uncommon errors, or errors unrelated to what you need to demonstrate on this assessment.