Baseline Drift Detection Monitor Example

A CHANGE BY BK This repo is an example Spark data drift monitor model that is conformed for use with ModelOp Center and the ModelOp Spark Runtime Service.


Below are the assets that are used to run this example:

Asset Type Repo File HDFS Path Description
Model Schema df_sample_scored_input_schema.avsc n/a (copied via Spark runtime service) Input schema for the model. Copied from the base model input schema.
Input Asset (Baseline/Training Data) df_baseline_scored.csv /hadoop/demo/df_baseline_scored.csv An attachment on the base model snapshot. Input file for the model metrics() function. The HDFS path can vary based on the external_inputs param of the metrics() function
Input Asset (Comparator Data) df_sample_scored.csv /hadoop/demo/df_sample_scored.csv An associated asset. Input file for the model metrics() function. The HDFS path can vary based on the external_inputs param of the metrics() function
Output Asset n/a /hadoop/demo/drift_analysis.csv Output from the model metrics() function that the MLC consumes to display on the ModelOp Center UI. The HDFS path can vary based on the OUTPUT_FILE fileUrl that is passed to the MLC when fired by API.

Testing the Model

  1. Verify that your ModelOp Center instance has at least one Spark runtime service connected to an existing Spark cluster
  2. Verify that the Spark runtime service has the tag test
  3. Import this model into ModelOp Center via GitHub link
  4. Create a snapshot of this model. Select "Spark" for the runtime type and (optionally) select a Spark runtime service
  5. Import the base model modelop/titanic-spark
  6. Add the training data asset as a URL HDFS attachment to the base model.
    • URL: hdfs:///hadoop/demo/df_baseline_scored.csv
  7. Create a snapshot of the base model
    • (Optional) Select the ModelOp Runtime as the runtime type for the base model
    • Add the snapshot of the associated model (this repo) as an associated model
    • Set the associated model type to "Data Drift Model"
    • Add the comparator data as an associated asset HDFS URL
      • URL: hdfs:///hadoop/demo/df_sample_scored.csv
    • (Optional) Provide a DMN file for the MLC to parse with the test results
  8. Record the UUID of the base model snapshot
  9. Create a drift detection job by firing the CronTriggeredDataDriftTest MLC using the URL and JSON payload below:
    • URL:
    • JSON payload (note that MODEL_ID.value must be updated):
          "name": "com.modelop.mlc.definitions.Signals_MODEL_DATA_DRIFT_TEST",
          "variables": {
              "MODEL_ID": {
                  "value": "5a31b3c6-f033-4948-b433-bae6656baa26"
              "OUTPUT_FILE": {
                  "value": {
                      "assetType": "EXTERNAL_FILE",
                      "assetRole": "UNKNOWN",
                      "fileUrl": "hdfs:///hadoop/demo/drift_analysis.csv",
                      "filename": "drift_analysis.csv",
                      "fileFormat": "CSV",
                      "repositoryInfo": {
                          "repositoryType": "HDFS_REPOSITORY",
                          "host": "",
                          "port": 0
  10. Wait for the created job to enter a COMPLETE state
  11. Navigate to the base model snapshot's test results and verify that the test results look similar:
      "number_existing_credits": 0.1661573547955825,
      "number_people_liable": 0.15643137378956762,
      "score": 0.1374666427619285,
      "label_value": 0.12909200180788885,
      "present_residence_since": 0.09589797018577487,
      "installment_rate": 0.0923431071984353,
      "purpose": 0.08901857345091589,
      "credit_amount": 0.06579786015199766,
      "age_years": 0.062297942889786954,
      "present_employment_since": 0.06092273471356515,
      "duration_months": 0.05571648405502104,
      "savings_account": 0.04709760284899042,
      "credit_history": 0.03574135542427669,
      "property": 0.03477985804578699,
      "telephone": 0.026242637204975147,
      "job": 0.024366893631309054,
      "foreign_worker": 0.01806487817678789,
      "checking_status": 0.01600519274897279,
      "installment_plans": 0.015781433298469323,
      "housing": 0.010258094196074643,
      "debtors_guarantors": 0.004689237456452252

Manual Tests

The job_submit folder includes files that can send a job to MOC directly. you can update the global environment variables in job_submit/ to point to your instance and run different types of jobs:

JOB_FILENAME = "job_submitter/german_credit_data_drift_job.json"

Then run to submit the job:

python3 job_submitter/