
A library that helps creating SQLAlchemy engines.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


A library that helps creating SQLAlchemy engines.

Creating a single SQLAlchemy engine is easy; allowing your users to create an engine from a list of dozens of database types — not as much. Each database type has its own way of specifying connection details, enabling SSL, setting up credentials, etc., requiring custom logic that is not abstracted by SQLAlchemy. Additionally, there's no standardized way for navigating database hierarchies: switching to a different namespace* or catalog* at runtime, to execute a query on a different Postgres schema or BigQuery project, is not easy.

This library offers that abstraction, allowing developers to easily build UIs for connecting to different databases, and providing a way of switching to different database levels.

*A note on terminology

Database terminology is confusing. A Postgres installation has multiple databases; each database has multiple schemas; each schema, multiple tables. Tables have schemas, but these are different from the schemas databases have. What BigQuery calls a "project" is a "catalog" for Trino; what MySQL calls a "database" is a "schema" for Postgres. And so on.

We use the following terminology in this project:

enginator Postgres MySQL BigQuery Trino
database cluster ? ? ?
catalog database N/A project catalog
namespace schema database schema schema
table table table dataset table
column column column column column


# `PostgresSchema` is a Marshmallow schema, so it will perform validation of the
# parameters, as well as exposing them in an OpenAPI 3.0 spec for UI construction.
from enginator.schemas import PostgresSchema

schema = PostgresSchema()

# Payload with all the information needed to connect -- some of these attributes will be
# used to build the SQLAlchemy URL, others to build extra engine arguments:
data = {
    "engine": "postgresql",
    "driver": "psycopg2",
    "host": "localhost",
    "port": 5432,
    "database": "superset",
    "ssl": False,

# Load data; these two are equivalent:
engine = schema.get_engine(**data)
engine = schema.load(data=data)

# The library also offers a standard way of overriding the "catalog" ("database", in
# Postgres) and the "namespace" ("schema", in Postgres), as well as methods to list
# them:
catalogs = schema.get_catalogs(engine)  # ["superset", "examples"]
engine = schema.get_engine(catalog="examples", **data)
namespaces = schema.get_namespaces(engine)  # ["public", "information_schema"]

# Connect to database "examples", and set the search path to "information_schema":
engine = schema.get_engine(