beto's dotfiles

Configuration files in this repository are to be used with GNU Stow with the repository placed in the user $HOME.

I tried to follow XDG_CONFIG_HOME standard and store configuration files inside $HOME/.config where possible.

Currently there are configuration files for the following software:

  • 2bwm (single config.h, not to be used with stow)
  • aerc (excluding accounts.conf)
  • alacritty
  • dunst (includes a // todo: remove feh from this script
  • kde-2bwm (replaces Plasma's
  • khard (for vCard addressbook management)
  • newsboat (archive purpose as i'm currently using miniflux)
  • nvim (mostly for rust development, although there's some python and php support)
  • polybar (may be splitted between desktop and laptop. mail checker requires authentication and specific devices/interfaces are to be set)
  • rofi (with gruvbox theme, alacritty terminal and ssh enabled)
  • tmux (there's tpm plugin support but it's not currently in use)
  • vdirsyncer (CardDAV sync, yet to add CalDAV)
  • X11 (.xinitrc for starting X from tty)
  • zathura
  • zsh (requires antigen, loads local theme, syntax highlighting not included in repo, nvm, fzf and cargo env source added)