Local-First Shopping List App

A cross-platform shopping list application built with modern technologies that enables real-time synchronization while maintaining local-first functionality.

App Screenshot

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⚡ Tech Stack

  • Expo - React Native framework
  • TinyBase - Local-first database
  • Clerk - Authentication & user management
  • Cloudflare - Edge computing & hosting

🛠️ Setup & Installation

Client Setup (Expo)

  1. Navigate to the client directory:

    cd client
  2. Install dependencies:

    bun install
  3. Configure environment variables:

    • Copy .env.example to .env
    • Fill in required values (see Environment Variables section)
  4. Start the development server:

    npx expo start

    The app can be run on iOS, Android or Web using Expo Go.

Server Setup (Synchronization)

  1. Navigate to the server directory:

    cd server
  2. Install dependencies:

    bun install
  3. Start local development server:

    bun dev
  4. Deploy to Cloudflare Workers:

    bun run deploy