
QR code component solution - Frontend Mentor

This is a solution to the QR code component challenge on Frontend Mentor. Frontend Mentor challenges help you improve your coding skills by building realistic projects.

Table of contents




My process

Built with

Continued development

As I continue to work on projects using Tailwind CSS and React, there are a few areas that I want to focus on in order to improve my skills and produce better results. Firstly, I want to continue refining my understanding of the Tailwind CSS utility classes and how they can be used to create responsive and visually appealing designs. Secondly, I want to explore more advanced React concepts such as state management with Redux or context API, and learn how to integrate third-party libraries and APIs with my projects. Finally, I want to practice writing clean and efficient code, and develop my debugging skills to be able to quickly identify and fix issues in my projects. By focusing on these areas, I hope to become a more proficient and confident developer with Tailwind CSS and React.

Useful resources

  • Vite - Vite is a versatile build tool that can be used for several purposes, including faster development, easy setup, hot module replacement, a plugin system for customization, optimized production builds, and support for multiple frameworks such as React. Using Vite to install React proved to be very beneficial for me. I found the pattern to be highly effective and enjoyable to work with, and Vite's features such as hot module replacement and optimized production builds made development faster and more efficient. As such, I plan to continue utilizing Vite in my future projects with React and other frameworks.

  • Tailwind on Vite - This is an amazing Documentaion which helped me install tailwind. I'd recommend it to anyone installing tailwind on vite.

👥 Author

👤 Betsegaw Sebsibe


  • Frontend Mentor for giving me the opportunity