Carefully follow the instructions below to ensure you get credit for this assignment.

🐳 docker-starter

Use this required starter pack for all assignments in BEW 2.2: DevOps, Deployments & Containers. Follow the instructions below, and submit the resulting repository on Gradescope by the assigned due date.

📂 Project Files

Filename Description
.gitignore General ignore file. Optimized for Python.
.dockerignore A list of files that will not be copied during build.
captain-definition DO NOT MODIFY. Used by CapRover for deployment.
Dockerfile Implement solutions in this file.
README.md Replace this README with content describing the purpose of your project.

🏁 Get Started

  1. Import an existing repository on GitHub.
  2. Under Your old repository's clone URL, paste https://github.com/make-school-labs/docker-starter.
  3. Name your repository according to the assignment instructions.
  4. Click Begin Import.
  5. Locally clone your new copy of the starter code.

📦 Building & Running

Variable Description
USERNAME Your DockerHub username.
IMAGE_NAME Name of the repository created above.
CONTAINER_NAME Choose a name for this container.
Can be the same as IMAGE_NAME.

1️⃣ Build

Builds the Dockerfile found at the current path (.).

$ docker build -t USERNAME/IMAGE_NAME .

2️⃣ Run & Test

Runs the IMAGE_NAME image. Deletes the container after executing the CMD.

$ docker run --rm --name CONTAINER_NAME IMAGE_NAME