
algorithms questions and answers leetcode

Primary LanguageTypeScript

pattern, data structure, algorithm

Here are the patterns

  1. Sliding Window
  2. Islands (Matrix Traversal)
  3. Two Pointers
  4. Fast & Slow Pointers
  5. Merge Intervals
  6. Cyclic Sort
  7. In-place Reversal of a LinkedList
  8. Tree Breadth-First Search
  9. Tree Depth First Search
  10. Two Heaps
  11. Subsets
  12. Modified Binary Search
  13. Bitwise XOR
  14. Top ‘K’ Elements
  15. K-way Merge
  16. Topological Sort
  17. 0/1 Knapsack
  18. Fibonacci Numbers
  19. Palindromic Subsequence
  20. Longest Common Substring

data structure: 7

  1. Array/List ·
  2. Linked List ·
  3. Hash Tables ·
  4. Queue ·
  5. Stack ·
  6. Trees (Binary,v.v..) ·
  7. Graphs.

Types: 9 2.Backtracking algorithms 3.Divide and Conquer algorithms 4.Dynamic Programming algorithms 5.Greedy algorithms 9.Dijkstra’s algorithm - https://leetcode.com/list/53js48ke/ - https://leetcode.com/discuss/interview-question/731911/please-share-dijkstras-algorithm-questions

branch and bound ? randomized ?