
config files, Dockerfiles, Taskfiles for Developers.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


  • Contains a large number of installation/deployment scripts that developers need to use in their daily work.
  • Automatically supports cross-platform installation.
  • Thanks to the go-task project.


1. Setup:


  • auto check go-task, if not installed, auto install it.
curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/better-sre/config/main/init.sh | sh


other usage:

2. Include in your Project:

  • 🍄 add these content to your Taskfile.yml file.
  # way: global path
    taskfile: ~/.local/task/better-sre/config/Taskfile.yml # TODO: please create `~/.task/` first before use
    dir: ~/.local/task/better-sre/config # global path
    optional: true # safeguard, if not found, no error

3. Usage:

❓ Note that when using in your project, you need to use the sre: prefix to use the following scripts. like this:

task sre:rust:install
task sre:go:install

task sre:docker:local:up:mysql
task sre:docker:local:up:redis
  • 😄 enjoy!


  • Directory of files automatically created by the installation script.
# PROJECT_PATH="${HOME}/.local/task/better-sre/config"

 tree ~/.local/ -L 4
└── task
    └── better-sre
        └── config
            ├── LICENSE
            ├── README.md
            ├── Taskfile.yml
            ├── docker-compose
            ├── dockerfile
            ├── k8s
            ├── run
            ├── script
            └── taskfile