
An app that would allow "music.youtube.com" to work in India and other restricted countries

Primary LanguageJavaScript


(previously known as youtube_cli_flask)

An app that would allow "music.youtube.com" to work in India

NOTE (For the NWoC participants): If you guys find any issue that is not already created, create an issue in the repo and I'll add the difficulty labels accordingly.



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This project started as a custom media server created using flask and vlc to allow youtube streaming via terminal in search of creating a server. Even worked on less powerful devices like RaspberryPi.


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Currently as for initial Stage, I expect to make a "music.youtube.com" like app that works in India too and plays only mp3 music. Incorporating Youtube Suggestion too, it uses Youtube API's or scrapping if required.

As of now, the front-end and backend are be in a common repo and will be separated if the app shows some promise.


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To start the Flask Server

  • Install vlc if not done already (sudo apt-get install vlc for Debian & sudo snap install vlc for Ubuntu)

  • It is advised to use a pipenv as the already installed versions of vlc might interfere with the ones in the dependencies

  • Use the command pip3 install pipenv

  • Now cd into server directory via cd server/

  • Next, install the dependenices by using the command pipenv install

  • Before running the server, get your YouTube API key by following this guide - https://developers.google.com/youtube/v3/getting-started

  • Use your own API key by modifying line 5 in this file.

  • To run the server , use the command pipenv run python3 server.py

To start the React Frontent

  • Clone the repo using git clone https://github.com/NJACKWinterOfCode/youtube_cli_flask.git.

  • Then go to the frontend directory using cd youtube_cli_flask/youtube_mp3_frontend.

  • Install the dependencies using npm install --save

  • Install tachyons using npm install tachyons

  • Install react-coverflow using npm install react-coverflow

  • To start the react app, Use npm start.

Tech Stack (Expected)

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  • Currently this is a Flask Backend
  • React Frontend (expected) repo.
  • For Storing Data , a JSON file be used as of now.

Made with ❤ by Sanskar Jethi