
Run commands easily.

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Release Software License CircleCI

Run commands easily.

What is it

Kwt reads from a repository of YAMLs of templated commands, and enables the user to render and execute the commands with arguments provided at run-time. It can help to

  • Avoid re-typing long commands over and over for routine tasks.
  • Version control and share commands.


Linux & Mac through Homebrew.

brew install bettercallshao/tap/kwt

Windows through Scoop.

scoop bucket add bettercallshao https://github.com/bettercallshao/scoop-bucket
scoop install bettercallshao/kwt

Or download latest zip from releases, extract, and put the binary files on your system path.

Quick start

Kick start by ingesting the demo menus.

kwt i -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bettercallshao/kwt-menus/master/python-demo.yaml
kwt i -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bettercallshao/kwt-menus/master/developer-demo.yaml

See a list of commands by running kwt h.

   kwt - Run commands easily.

   kwt [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]


   start, s           Starts executor for a menu
   ingest, i          Ingests menu locally from a source
   developer-demo, d  Developer commands for demo
   python-demo, p     Python commands for demo
   help, h            Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h     show help (default: false)
   --version, -v  print the version (default: false)
  • start, ingest, help, --help, --version are global arguments.
  • python-demo and developer-demo are command definitions.

Check what is in python-demo by kwt p -h.

   kwt python-demo - Python commands for demo

   kwt python-demo command [command options] [arguments...]

   uuid, u                 Generate a UUID
   forex-rate, f           Print forex rates
   mortgage-calculator, m  Calculate mortgage payment
   bit-expander, b         Convert between decimal, hex, and bit representations
   csv-to-markdown, c      Convert a CSV to markdown table
   help, h                 Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --help, -h     show help (default: false)
   --version, -v  print the version (default: false)

Check what forex-rate does with kwt p f -h.

   kwt python-demo forex-rate - Print forex rates

   kwt python-demo forex-rate [command options] [arguments...]

   --base value, -b value     Base currency (default: "USD")
   --symbols value, -s value  Comma separated currency symbol list (default: "CAD,GBP")
   --dry, -d                  render command but don't run (default: false)
   --help, -h                 show help (default: false)
  • --dry, --help are flags defined by kwt.
  • --base, --symbols are input arguments, with default values.

Lets try EUR to JPY and AUD.

$ kwt p f -b EUR -s JPY,AUD
On 2020-11-13
1 EUR can buy 123.88 JPY
1 EUR can buy 1.63 AUD

Use the --dry flag to see what actually ran.

$ kwt p f -b EUR -s AUD -d
template: python3 -u -c "
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
import json

url = 'https://api.exchangeratesapi.io/latest?base={{.base}}&symbols={{.symbols}}'
r = json.load(urllib.request.urlopen(url))

date = r['date']
rates = r['rates']

print(f'On {date}')
  f'1 {{.base}} can buy {rates[symbol]:.2f} {symbol}'
  for symbol in rates

rendered: python3 -u -c "
import urllib.request
import urllib.parse
import json

url = 'https://api.exchangeratesapi.io/latest?base=EUR&symbols=AUD'
r = json.load(urllib.request.urlopen(url))

date = r['date']
rates = r['rates']

print(f'On {date}')
  f'1 EUR can buy {rates[symbol]:.2f} {symbol}'
  for symbol in rates

First the command template was printed, then the command rendered with input arguments. The command is defined in $HOME/.kwt/python-demo.yaml.

name: python-demo
version: v0.1.0
help: Python commands for demo
- name: forex-rate
  help: Print forex rates
  template: |
    python3 -u -c "
    import urllib.request
    import urllib.parse
    import json

    url = 'https://api.exchangeratesapi.io/latest?base={{.base}}&symbols={{.symbols}}'
    r = json.load(urllib.request.urlopen(url))

    date = r['date']
    rates = r['rates']

    print(f'On {date}')
      f'1 {{.base}} can buy {rates[symbol]:.2f} {symbol}'
      for symbol in rates
  - name: base
    help: Base currency
    value: USD
  - name: symbols
    help: Comma separated currency symbol list
    value: CAD,GBP

Add to this file or create more YAMLs in $HOME/.kwt/ to add more commands. If some commands should only be available locally in a specific cwd, add the YAML in $CWD/.kwt/.

Web interface

Kwt can also be run in conjunction with kwtd to give a web based user interface to the menus. Kwtd is installed as part of the kwt package and runs without arguments.

[kwtd] 2020/11/24 01:42:01 version: v0.5.2-20201123005537
[kwtd] 2020/11/24 01:42:01 starting kwtd ...
[kwtd] 2020/11/24 01:42:01 listening on

It is recommended to install kwtd as a start up service for convenience with the official helper menus.

For Windows (see help for more commands).

kwt i -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bettercallshao/kwt-menus/master/windows-kwtd.yaml
kwt windows-kwtd startup-add

For Mac (see help for more commands).

kwt i -s https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bettercallshao/kwt-menus/master/mac-kwtd.yaml
kwt mac-kwtd startup-add

Once kwtd is running, visit in browser to find three sections.

  • Channels - each channel is a placeholder for a kwt executor to connect to. If visited without active connection, it shows a blank message.
  • Menus - each available menu can be viewed as a JSON.
  • Ingestion - ingesting menus same as kwt.

As an example, we will run the csv-to-markdown command in the web interface. First open a terminal (with python3 available) and connect a kwt executor to kwtd (on channel 0 by default) declaring the python-demo menu.

kwt s -m python-demo

Logs are printed and the command should block and occupy the terminal. Now visit channel 0 on the page, click on csv-to-markdown, copy the following into the data param, press execute, then toggle markdown to render it.

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Drag Racing


To build, install golang and run make. The CI is powered by GoReleaser and CircleCI.

Further info

I wrote a blog series on kwt https://bettercallshao.com/tags/kwt/

Please contact me via https://bettercallshao.com/author/