AlecrimCoreData is a framework to easily access Core Data objects in Swift.
To use AlecrimCoreData you will need to create a inherited class from AlecrimCoreData.Context
and declare a property or method for each entity in your data context like the example below:
import AlecrimCoreData
let dataContext = DataContext()!
class DataContext: Context {
var people: Table<Person> { return Table<Person>(context: self) }
var departments: Table<Department> { return Table<Department>(context: self) }
It's important that properties (or methods) always return a new instance of a AlecrimCoreData.Table
It's assumed that all entity classes was already created and added to the project. In the above section example there are two entities: Person
and Department
You can write managed object classes by hand or generate them using Xcode. Now you can also use ACDGen. ;-)
ACDGen app is a Core Data entity class generator made with AlecrimCoreData in mind. It is completely optional, but since it can also generate attribute class members for use in closure parameters, the experience using AlecrimCoreData is greatly improved.
You can open it from the Bin
Say you have an Entity called Person, related to a Department (as seen in various Apple Core Data documentation). To get all of the Person entities as an array, use the following methods:
for person in dataContext.people {
You can also skip some results:
let people = dataContext.people.skip(3)
Or take only some results:
let people = dataContext.people.skip(3).take(7)
Or, to return the results sorted by a property:
let peopleSorted = dataContext.people.orderBy({ $0.lastName })
Or, to return the results sorted by multiple properties:
let peopleSorted = dataContext.people.orderBy({ $0.lastName }).thenBy({ $0.firstName })
// OR
let peopleSorted = dataContext.people.sortBy("lastName,firstName")
Or, to return the results sorted by multiple properties with different attributes:
let peopleSorted = dataContext.people.orderByDescending({ $0.lastName }).thenByAscending({ $0.firstName })
// OR
let peopleSorted = dataContext.people.sortBy("lastName:0,firstName:1")
// OR
let peopleSorted = dataContext.people.sortBy("lastName:0:[cd],firstName:1:[cd]")
If you have a unique way of retrieving a single object from your data store (such as via an identifier), you can use the following code:
if let person = dataContext.people.first({ $0.identifier == 123 }) {
You can perform a count of the entities in your Persistent Store:
let count = dataContext.people.filter({ $0.lastName == "Smith" }).count()
let count = dataContext.people.count({ $0.lastName == "Smith" })
You can use aggregate functions on a single attribute:
let total = dataContext.entities.sum({ $0.value })
The sum
, min
, max
and average
functions are supported.
You can specify an attribute to select:
let lastNames ={ $0.lastName }).distinct()
Or multiple properties to select:
let firstAndLastNames =["firstName", "lastName"])
In both cases the result is an array of NSDictionary
If you want to be more specific with your search, you can use filter predicates:
let itemsPerPage = 10
for pageNumber in 0..<5 {
println("Page: \(pageNumber)")
let peopleInCurrentPage = dataContext.people
.filter({ $0.department << [dept1, dept2] })
.orderBy({ $0.firstName })
.thenBy({ $0.lastName })
.skip(pageNumber * itemsPerPage)
for person in peopleInCurrentPage {
println("\(person.firstName) \(person.lastName) - \(")
You can also fetch entities asynchronously and get the results later on main thread:
let progress = dataContext.people.fetchAsync { fetchedEntities, error in
if let entities = fetchedEntities {
// ...
The data is actually fetched from Persistent Store only when toArray()
is explicitly or implicitly called. So you can combine and chain other methods before this.
let peopleArray = dataContext.people.toArray()
// OR
let peopleArray = dataContext.people.sortBy("firstName,lastName").toArray()
// OR
let theSmiths = dataContext.people.filter({ $0.lastName == "Smith" }).orderBy({ $0.firstName })
let count = theSmiths.count()
let array = theSmiths.toArray()
// OR
for person in dataContext.people.sortBy("firstName,lastName") {
// .toArray() is called implicitly when enumerating
Call the to...
method in the end of chain.
let fetchRequest = dataContext.people.toFetchRequest()
// OS X only
let arrayController = dataContext.people.toArrayController()
// iOS only (returns an AlecrimCoreData FecthedResultsController strong typed instance)
let fetchedResultsController = dataContext.people.toFetchedResultsController()
// iOS only (returns a native NSFetchedResultsController instance)
let fetchedResultsController = dataContext.people.toNativeFetchedResultsController()
When you need to create a new instance of an Entity, use:
let person = dataContext.people.createEntity()
You can also create or get first existing entity matching the criteria. If the entity does not exist, a new one is created and the specified attribute is assigned from the searched value automatically.
let person = dataContext.people.firstOrCreated({ $ 0.identifier == 123 })
To delete a single entity:
if let person = dataContext.people.first({ $0.identifier == 123 }) {
To delete many entities:
dataContext.people.filter({ $0.canBeDeleted == true }).delete()
You can save the data context in the end, after all changes were made.
let person = dataContext.people.firstOrCreated({ $0.identifier == 9 })
person.firstName = "Christopher"
person.lastName = "Eccleston"
person.additionalInfo = "The best Doctor ever!"
// get success and error
let (success, error) =
if success {
// ...
else {
You can fetch and save entities in background calling a global function that creates a new data context instance for this:
// assuming that this department is saved and exists...
let department = dataContext.departments.first({ $0.identifier == 100 })!
// the closure below will run in a background context queue
performInBackground(dataContext) { bgc in
if let person = bgc.people.first({ $0.identifier == 321 }) {
// we must bring department to our background context
person.department = department.inContext(bgc)!
person.otherData = "Other Data"
if {
// ...
You can do batch updates on a single attribute using:
dataContext.entities.batchUpdate({ ($0.modified, true) }) { countOfUpdatedEntities, error in
if error == nil {
// ...
Or you can specify multiples properties to update:
dataContext.entities.batchUpdate(["modified" : true, "dateModified" : NSDate()]) { countOfUpdatedEntities, error in
if error == nil {
// ...
You can use ContextOptions
class for a custom configuration.
See Samples
folder for a configuration example for iCloud Core Data sync.
See Samples
folder for a configuration example for Ensembles.
- Xcode 6.3
- iOS 8.0 / OS X 10.10
CocoaPods is a dependency manager for Cocoa projects.
CocoaPods 0.36 adds supports for Swift and embedded frameworks. You can install it with the following command:
$ gem install cocoapods
To integrate AlecrimCoreData into your Xcode project using CocoaPods, specify it in your Podfile
source ''
platform :ios, '8.0'
pod 'AlecrimCoreData', '~> 3.0-beta.6'
Then, run the following command:
$ pod install
Carthage is a decentralized dependency manager that automates the process of adding frameworks to your Cocoa application.
You can install Carthage with Homebrew using the following command:
$ brew update
$ brew install carthage
To integrate AlecrimCoreData into your Xcode project using Carthage, specify it in your Cartfile
github "Alecrim/AlecrimCoreData" >= 2.0
You can add AlecrimCoreData as a git submodule, drag the AlecrimCoreData.xcodeproj
file into your Xcode project and add the framework product as an embedded binary in your application target.
- master - The production branch. Clone or fork this repository for the latest copy.
- develop - The active development branch. Pull requests should be directed to this branch.
If you want to contribute, please feel free to fork the repository and send pull requests with your fixes, suggestions and additions. :-)
- 3.0 - Swift framework; added attributes support and many other improvements
- 2.1 - Swift framework; added CocoaPods and Carthage support
- 2.0 - Swift framework; first public release as open source
- 1.1 - Objective-C framework; private Alecrim team use
- 1.0 - Objective-C framework; private Alecrim team use
AlecrimCoreData is released under an MIT license. See LICENSE for more information.