
JavaScript development workflow and tools

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status Dependency Status

JavaScript development workflow and tools

Examples included:


  • ES6 Module support
  • Bower package manager
  • Mocha, CasperJs + PhantomJs for headless browser functional testing (like Selenium)
  • Add EcmaScript3 support for IE8
  • Sauce Labs cross browser unit and functional testing
  • Create a Volo package
    • Use volo-ghdeploy to publish to GitHub Pages
  • Version Badge to provide package version and link
  • Jasmine grunt task to run jasmine specs via grunt instead of karma
  • JsDoc grunt taks generates documentation
  • FileRev grunt taks generates file revision hashes to improve caching
  • Templates grunt task replaces placeholders and generate output files
  • https://github.com/thomasboyt/grunt-microlib
