Neow3j is a development toolkit that provides easy and reliable tools to build Neo dApps and Smart Contracts using Java platforms -- supporting Java, Kotlin, and Android.
By using neow3j, you will happily play with Neo and end up neow'ing around like Bongo Cat.
Neow3j is an open-source project developed by the community and maintained by AxLabs.
The neow3j development toolkit is composed of:
- neow3j SDK
- neow3j devpack
- neow3j compiler
Visit for more information on neow3j and the technical documentation.
To get all neow3j SDK features, add the io.neow3j:contract
project to your dependencies. Since neow3j is split into multiple project modules, you can also depend on a subset of the functionality, e.g., if you only require certain utility methods. Check out the concept and structure of the library here.
compile 'io.neow3j:contract:2.+'
compile 'io.neow3j:contract:3.+'
The devpack offers all the necessary tools to write Neo smart contracts in Java. To try it out, add the following dependency to your project.
implementation 'io.neow3j:devpack:3.+',
For help on how to compile a contract, check out the documentation about the neow3j compiler at
Help the development of neow3j by donating to the following addresses:
Crypto | Address |
NEO | AHb3PPUY6a36Gd6JXCkn8j8LKtbEUr3UfZ |
ETH | 0xe85EbabD96943655e2DcaC44d3F21DC75F403B2f |
BTC | 3L4br7KQ8DCJEZ77nBjJfrukWEdVRXoKiy |
- NEO Foundation & NEO Global Development (NGD)
- This project was strongly based on web3j, a library originally developed by Conor Svensson, latest on this commit. We are really thankful for it. :-)