
Matlab scripts that extract single subject grey matter networks from grey matter segmented T1 weighted images



Matlab scripts that extract single subject grey matter networks from grey matter segmented T1 weighted images % READ_ME.txt: About contents Extract_individual_GM_networks % % Author: Betty Tijms, 2012. Version 20150902


% The batch_extract_networks file is altered to ensure alignment with MNI space. Please use the scripts from the folder with version number 20150902


Note that these scripts require the NIFTI matlab toolbox: This can be downloaded from http://www.mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/8797-tools-for-nifti-and-analyze-image Don't forget to add the path to this toolbox in Matlab.

Please check scripts for * --- ADJUST FOLLOWING ---* to adjust path & file names in the script. Please keep the slahses as indicated.

Extract_individual_GM_networks contains:

  1. create_cube_templates.m This script contains the templates to extract the regions of interest (the cubes) from grey matter. 2.batch_extract_networks.m: This matlab script extracts individual grey matter networks from grey matter segmentations. *Input: c1 or p1 files from SPM5/SPM8/VBM5/VBM8 or pve_1 from FSL (grey matter partial volume estimates) --> names of these stored in a .txt file *It uses functions from the folder 'functions' *It is dependent on: - Matlab 7 or higher: The script is designed to work with single precision, which is unavailable in earlier versions of Matlab. - SPM5 or SPM8 functions --> make sure the path to this software is added to Matlab - create_cube_templates.m 4.example_file_withscannames.txt: Example text file that need to contain the paths+names of the grey matter segmentations. 3.Functions: This folder contains matlab functions that are used by 'batch_extract_networks.m' . No adjustment of these files is needed.


  1. The file create_cube_templates.m needs to be run just once: a. Go to the directory where you have write permissions b. Run create_cube_templates: This will create the directory 'bl_ind' which contains all possible ways to extract 3 x 3 x 3 voxel cubes from a 91 x 109 x 91 image. You will have to add this path in to the script batch_extract_networks.m 2 Create a text file that contains the names including the full path of the grey matter segmenations --> like the example in example_file_withscannames.txt
  2. Adjust batch_extract_networks.m --> between lines 40 and 60
  3. Run the script.

When you use this toolbox please provide the version number and cite the following paper: Tijms, BM, Series, P, Willshaw, DJ, & Lawrie, SM. 2012. Similarity-Based Extraction of Individual Networks from Gray Matter MRI Scans. Cerebral cortex, 22, 1530-1541.

If any problems/questions arise please contact me: b.tijms@vumc.nl or betty.tijms@gmail.com