
Conference Software | Docs: https://traveller.readthedocs.io/

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Create venv named venv inside root folder

Activate it

Install requirements.txt

$ python -m pip install -r requirements.txt

You may also want to install dev_requirements.txt

$ python -m pip install -r dev_requirements.txt

We are using MySQL but you can have a stab at a different db.

Create a db named traveller or whatever you want in your MySQL db.

Setting up MySQL Database on Linux(if this is your first time with using MySQL database )
  • Start MySQL database
$ systemctl start mysql


$ service mysql start
  • After starting MySQL database, login into the shell
$ mysql
  • Create a database
mysql >  CREATE DATABASE traveller;
  • This will create the database in your local MySQL server, you can exit the Mysql shell and complete the remaining steps

Change directory to the traveller folder

$ cd traveller

Create folder called instance and a file called config.py in it

$ mkdir instance #auto ignored by git
$ touch instance/config.py

In instance/config.py set the SQLALCHEMY_URI. For MySQL it will be like this (the file should contain only that):

SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = 'mysql+pymysql://root:root@localhost/traveller'


Create or edit traveller/config.json with the information needed for each environment.

for development:

    "environment": "development",
    "admin_user": {
      "email": "admin@domain.com",
      "password": "pass"
    "settings": {
      "APP_NAME": "Demo",
      "ACTIVE_FRONT_THEME": "blogus",
      "ACTIVE_BACK_THEME": "boogle",
      "CURRENCY": "MUR"

and for production:

    "environment": "production",
    "admin_user": {
      "email": "admin@domain.com",
      "password": "pass"
    "settings": {
      "APP_NAME": "Demo",
      "ACTIVE_FRONT_THEME": "blogus",
      "ACTIVE_BACK_THEME": "boogle",
      "CURRENCY": "MUR"

Now in traveller/traveller run:

$ python manage.py initialise

Then, to get development example data (make sure requirements in dev_requirements.txt are installed)

$ flask seed dev


$ python manage.py rundebug


$ python manage.py db migrate
$ python manage.py db upgrade

More info can be found in the shopyo docs: shopyo.readthedocs.io

Setup Mail Dev Environment

We are using flask-mailman.

If you have Node.js, use the maildev package. Install it using

$ npm install -g maildev

Then serve it using

$ maildev

Dev configs for this setup are (already in config.py):

class DevelopmentConfig(Config):
    """Configurations for development"""

    ENV = "development"
    DEBUG = True
    # control email confirmation for user registration
    # flask-mailman configs
    MAIL_SERVER = 'localhost'
    MAIL_PORT = 1025
    MAIL_USE_TLS = False
    MAIL_USE_SSL = False
    MAIL_USERNAME = '' # os.environ.get("MAIL_USERNAME")
    MAIL_PASSWORD = '' # os.environ.get("MAIL_PASSWORD")
    MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER = 'ma@mail.com' # os.environ.get("MAIL_DEFAULT_SENDER")

Go to where it serves it’s web interface by default. See mails arrive in your inbox! Particularly useful when registering!

Running tests

Go to traveller/traveller

$ python -m pytest .

Some functionalities of app

Go to:

Login with username: admin@domain.com and password: pass

Click on admin and create a new role called reviewer

Add new people and assign them the roles

Go to dashboard and click on conf

Create a new conf

Add reviewers to conf

Go to:

We'll db seed some folks soon