
Python script for evaluating classification tasks against ground truth.

Primary LanguagePython


Python script for evaluating classification tasks against ground truth.


usage: evaluator.py [-h] -p PREDICTION_FILE -g GROUND_TRUTH_FILE
                    [-b BINARY_PREDICTION_FILE] [-bw] [--icd] [-t] [-w]

Evaluate the predictions against ground truth.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        Predictions file.
  -g GROUND_TRUTH_FILE, --ground_truth_file GROUND_TRUTH_FILE
                        Ground truth file.
                        Binary prediction to filter the prediction_file.
  -bw, --binary_weka    Binary prediction is in Weka format.
  --icd                 Whether the evaluation is using ICD code; in which
                        case consider only first three characters (CXX).
                        Default is False
  -t, --tex             Print results in LaTeX table format.
  -w, --weka            Predictions are in weka format


The format of the predictions file is:


i.e., one or more classification are processed per document. If any one is correct then the document is correct.

The ground truth file is simply:


The binary_prediction_file is used to filter the predictions file according to a binary "0" or "1" label. Its format is:


where classification = 0 or 1

The --icd flag is used when processing ICD codes where you only care about the first three characters, e.g., CXX. The default is false (i.e., not ICD).


The program will print the individual predictions for each docId in the following format:


A * character will be marked against the classification if that classification matches the groundtruth. A sample output is provided below:

docId   Actual  Predictions (1..n) *=correct
380770  other   other*
210836  other   other*
279222  Flu     other
323953  other   other*
305748  other   other*
82922   Flu     Flu*
346547  other   other*
1475    other   Flu

After the individual predictions a summary is provided for each class. For example, a sample output for Flu is provided below:

Flu results:
				-	+
	Ground	-	0	7
	Truth	+	2	36

	Flu Recall: 0.9474
	Flu Precsion: 0.8372
	Flu Fmeasure: 0.8889