
Export a trello board's cards and checklists to a sqlite database

Primary LanguageRuby

Quick and dirty ruby api interaction with Trello to persist cards for a table into a sqlite3 database file.


You will need a Trello key and token. These should be set as ENV vars and called TRELLO_KEY and TRELLO_TOKEN respectively.

You can invoke the app from the command line:

TRELLO_KEY=your_key TRELLO_TOKEN=your_token ruby grab.rb <command> <option>


ruby grab.rb boards

List the boards you are member of, showing the id and name of each board. Note you do not need an <option> to list the boards.

ruby grab.rb board board_id

Output information for the board identified by board_id as a json payload.

ruby grab.rb cards board_id

Output information about the cards associated with the board identified by board_id.

ruby grab.rb savecards board_id

This is the real reason for the script. This persists the title and description of each card into a sqlite3 database. The database will be called trello_cards.db. The database will contain a single table called cards which has two columns title and description.


Relies on faraday and sqlite3. You should be able to bundle to install these.


Trello imposes some rate limiting on api calls. This is not handled at the moment.

If your board has more than 1000 cards, the Trello API expects you to page through the results. This is not implemented.