(early development) R tools to search, activate and download satellite imagery from the Planet API.
- adamhsparksCCDM-CBADA
- admahoodUSDA-ARS
- agronomofiorentini
- allanjust
- ambarjaNational University of San Marcos
- amshewAcreTrader
- ashjolly@machydro
- atsyplenkov@manaakiwhenua
- bozaahDepartment of Primary Industries and Regional Development
- brownagUSDA-NRCS
- byzhengCSIRO
- cbouffard
- ChrisJones687NC State University
- djd0723
- GISerDaiShaoqingFaculty ITC, University of Twente
- gmartherreraCity University of New York
- gshelor
- h-a-grahamPermian Global Research; @Permian-Global-Research
- jimjam-slam@360-info
- joshualericksonEureka, MT
- jstaLos Alamos National Laboratory
- khondula
- Leprechault
- marcosci@kalderadev
- mdsumnerIntegrated Digital East Antarctica, Australian Antarctic Division
- MislavSag
- monsoonforest
- mps9506Texas A&M University, @TxWRI
- NamikTarightAssistance publique - HĂ´pitaux de Paris
- Owain-S
- rafabelokurowsKantar Worldpanel
- seanhardison1University of Alaska Fairbanks
- shubhamjain15Blackland Research and Extension Center
- tomclemenHamburg Univ. of Applied Sciences
- truewindOregon State University
- wburtProvince of British Columbia @bcgov