
Open-Source Zend Framework + Doctrine ORM CMS which supports il8n, widgets, caching, themes and modules.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Welcome to BalCMS!

BalCMS is a Zend Framework and Doctrine ORM powered CMS.


BalCMS is different from other CMS's as we can extend it directly by just adding a new module - or even by just modifying the CMS directly (as the CMS is merely a module and a series of dependencies). No other CMS that I know of actually allows developers to extend the CMS so easily and yet directly, usually you are locked into specific and limited plugin framework - which really sucks balls if you are trying to build a scalable and extendable CMS for custom applications. As such, if you don't like something about BalCMS or need to add new functionality you can get in there directly and do it! Think of it more as a foundation rather than a lock-in. It's liberating! BalCMS is also highly opinionated software, it follows the best practices religiously.


  • i18n (Localisation)
  • Multiple Users (and permissions for multiple users) / Access Control Lists
  • Widgets
  • Content Caching
  • Themes
  • Modules
  • JavaScript and CSS Bundling
  • Scaffold for CSS (SASS like Syntax for CSS)
  • Automatic and Dynamic Image Resizing and Compression
  • Edit content using: TinyMCE, Aloha Editor or Bespin.
  • Built-in full support for jQuery Ajaxy - no configuration needed!

Before you Start

The License

Note on Command Line Dependence

BalCMS is heavily dependent on the command line. If you are on a Unix/Mac/Linux platform you will find the installation and usage quite straightforward. If you are on a Windows platform, you may face quite a learning curve (and require to run commands through the Cygwin Terminal) - we suggest getting a mac.

There will never be a front end gui to replace the dependency on the command line, as we view this dependency as justified to be a best practice. Once you get familiar with it, you whizz by. Now that is empowering.

Requirements / Dependencies

For Windows you will need to install:

For Unix/Mac/Linux you will need to install:

These installations will provide you with the following requirements:

  • rm
  • sed
  • curl
  • chmod
  • ruby
  • git
  • php 5.3 (5.2 still works, however we are moving in the 5.3 direction)
  • apache
  • sqlite
  • mysql 5

Creating a New BalCMS Website

  1. Firstly, we'll need to ensure that your environment is correctly configured. For this run ./cli check-env. If it does not return any error messages, then you may proceed. If it does then please attend to the messages. If you get the message saying that your git installation is not configured, then the easiest way to configure it is to setup a new free account on GitHub, create a new repository with them, follow their instructions on using and setting up the repository - once done your git installation will have been configured, so run ./cli check-env again and make sure that there is nothing else it finds, if it doesn't find anything, then woohoo and we can now proceed to installing BalCMS.

  2. Run the following commands:

    mkdir mywebsite
    cd mywebsite
    curl -OL http://github.com/balupton/balcms/raw/master/cli
    ./cli birth

    Explanation: What we are doing here is creating our new website directory (folder), then fetching our application's Command Line Interface. Having this file, we can then run ./cli birth. The ./cli birth command is actually comprised of three other view important commands which are:

    • ./cli init-new which initialises our local repository (as a new repository), and grabs the core of the CMS
    • ./cli configure which fetches the CMS's dependencies and requirements and configures the directory structure
    • ./cli install which installs the CMS's database, adjusts the permissions and runs any cron jobs.

    We will be using these commands and similar later on.

  3. While that is running, your website will need it's own public or private Git Repository. You can create one on GitHub (although if you would like a private one, you'll need a paid account), or you can find an alternative private git host.

  4. Once those commands have run, and your remote git repository is set up. We want to associate our local repository with the remote repository. We do this by copying our remote repository's read+write url, it should look something like this git@github.com:balupton/balcms.git. With that we will run the following commands:

    git remote add origin {your git repos read/write url} ; make deploy

    Explanation: The second command here ./cli deploy will send our changes from our development branch to our stable branch, then from the stable branch to the master branch. Finally, it'll then send all those changes to our remote repository.

    We want to send our changes to the remote repository as that we can deploy to our remote server (where our website will actually be hosted and accessed). Other benefits are also in case our development environment crashes, we will have a remote backup. The last benefit and perhaps the best one, is that if we are working with other people, it allows us to all collaborate together seamlessly.

  5. Once all that is done, you'll now be able to visit your new BalCMS website. So lets navigate to our localhost and the directory we installed it in (e.g. http://localhost/sites/mywebsite).

  6. To administrate your new website, you'll go the admin location on your website (e.g. http://localhost/sites/mywebsite/admin). The default username is admin and password is random - these are specified in the configuration file application/data/fixtures/data.yml, or you can change them by using the Users Administration area.

The Structure of BalCMS

The structure of BalCMS is based off the standard modular zend framework structure with additional extensions for easier configuration and localisation, with support for theming, media uploads, image resizing out of the box.

So let's take a look at the structure:

.gitignore - Used to tell Git about the files that we do not want committed to our repository (e.g. cache files)

.htaccess - Used to tell Apache about how requests should be handled


		database/ - Contains our SQLite Databases
		fixtures/ - Contains our Initial Database Data
		schema/ - Contains our Database Structure


	models/ - Contains the Models we actually use, these inherit from the models in the following sub-directories
		Bal/ - Core models included by the BalPHP Library
		Balcms/ - Core models used by BalCMS (these typically inherit the Bal models)
		Base/ - Autogenerated by Doctrine ORM

			config/ - Our module specific Configuration

			controllers/ - Our module specific Business Logic
				BackController.php - For our Administration/Back Area
				FeedController.php - For our News/RSS/Atom/Subscription Feeds
				FrontController.php - For our Public/Front Area

			views/ - Our module specific View Logic
				helpers/ - Contains our Standard Content Widgets (used within our posts)
				scripts/ - Contains our View Scripts

		default/ - Contains our Default/Base Modules (used for Error Handling)

cli - BalCMS's Command Line Interface

common/ - Used to contain our submodules/requirements/dependencies used by BalCMS (e.g. zend framework)


il8n/ - Contains our Localisation/Language files.



		cache/ - Used by the inbuilt bundlers (View Helpers: HeadScriptBundler, HeadLinkBundler)
		deleted/ - Where deleted files go (if we don't hard delete them)
		image.php - Handles on-the-fly image resizing
		images/ - Where the generated/compressed/resized images go
		invoices/ - Used for our invoicing functionality (not documented)
		uploads/ - Where user uploads go



	themes/ - Where our applications themes go, if you want to customise the look and feel of the application, this is where it's at.
		albeo/ - The default theme. Creamy green.
		balcms/ - The administration theme.
		titan - A creamy brown theme.

README.md - This readme that you're reading right now.

robots.txt - What to tell Search Engines. Read up on google.

scripts/ - Contains scripts used by our CLI to perform specific actions

tests/ - Unit tests for our application.

If any of the above was confusing, please reference the following articles:

Configuring BalCMS

BalCMS has configuration files in the following locations:

config.php - Used detect and set our environment (i.e. development, staging or production).
		application.yml - Used to specify the configuration for our environments.
		core.yml - Used to specify the paths that our environments will use.
		nav.yml - Used to specify navigation items used in our CMS.
		routes.yml - Used to specify how requests are directed in our CMS.
		default/ - Contains the files that the above config files inherit their config from. Never edit the files in this directory (as they will be overwritten when you do an upgrade).
			data.yml - Used to specify the default data that is loaded into our database
			schema.yml - Used to specify our database structure (our models)

The files that you will be interested in are mainly config.php and application.yml, sometimes nav.yml. Unless you plan on extending BalCMS to add custom functionality, you will not ever need to touch the other configuration files.

The documentation files either include inline documentation (docs inside them) or they are self explanatory. The process of changing the editor that we would like to use for our content would go like this:

  1. Look in application/config/default/application.yml, find the appropriate property - in this case it's editor.code.
  2. Insert the property into the our appropriate environment in application/config/application.yml - such that we are editing our config file, not the default one.
  3. Modify the property value and save.
  4. Run ./cli clean-config to ensure the change is applied - we do try to auto-detect changes, but pedanticness can come in handy sometimes.

Committing your Changes

  1. To commit your changes, you'll want to run the following commands:

    cd mywebsite
    git status
    git add -u
    git status
    git add {the untracked files reported by the git status}
    git commit -m "My Changes... {this is your message}" (note: this commits your changes)
    git push origin --all (note: this sends your changes to the remote repository)

    Explanation: What the git status does is show us the changes we have made, we use this the first time to check what changes are being made (so we can tell whether or not we want to make those changes). We can actually see the changes in detail by running git diff. We then add the files we want to the next commit by using git add. In the above example we use git add -u as that will save us a lot of typing, it automatically adds the changes to all tracked files (files that the git repository already knows about). After running the git add -u.

Setting up the Live Server for Deployment of the Live Site

Setting up the live server can be done by either of the following two ways.

  • Recommended Option: SSH+Git. This option is purely awesome, it's speedy, simple, easy to use, and allows us to edit files on the remote server. Although, few servers support both SSH and Git (your server needs both) - but the benefits are massive. We recommend hosting with MediaTemple as they too are pure awesome, so they do support this pure awesome feature (their plans are also extremely cheap for what they offer, support is fantastic, and their system is extremely flexible and customisable for all your needs) - again, they are pure awesome. If your server does not support SSH+Git, then that is fine, as we can use the fallback option. Let's cover how we will do this.

    1. You'll want to login to your server via SSH (refer to your server's manual for how to do this).

    2. Once done, you'll then want to cd into your websites directory (eg. public_html).

    3. This directory should be empty as we are doing a clean install (if it is not empty, back it up, and empty it). Now that it is empty, we want to run the following commands:

       curl -OL http://github.com/balupton/balcms/raw/master/cli
       git init
       git remote add origin {your git repos read/write url}
       ./cli init-existing; ./cli configure; ./cli install

      Explanation: These commands should look quite similar to our local installation commands, although there are some differences. We start off by fetching our CLI just like usual, although now we then call git init, this tells our environment to treat the current directory as a git repository. We then proceed to associate our directory with the remote repository. Finally we run the commands ./cli init-existing; ./cli configure; ./cli install. This is the same as before, but this time we run ./cli init-existing, instead of ./cli init-new - as we now have an existing git repository that we are working with (so we just fetch it), whereas before we had to create the git repository from scratch (it's branches, structure, etc).

    4. You're all done now, you're website is now live.

  • Fallback Option: Use a 3rd Party Deployment System. This option involves registering an account with a 3rd party, setting up your git repository with them, giving them your server details, and specifying deployment settings. It's nice, but can get costly when you are deploying to multiple sites and does not allow you to edit files on your live site (instead you have to make the change on your local site, then deploy). It can also take a fair while to deploy changes (from a few minutes to a few hours). If you go this route, we recommend DeployHQ - their system works very well, and they have affordable prices. Refer to your chosen system's documentation for how to use this option.

  • Silly Option: Manually transfer the files over FTP. The reason this option is silly, is that it inherits the problems of not using any version control - you quickly end up with discrepancies between your live server and your local copy, causing inconsistency and debugging and maintenance nightmares. Please do not use this option, unless you are a masochist. We will not cover this option.

Deploying to the Live Site

Note: Before you deploy to the live site, you will need to have added a production environment to your config.php file, and set up your database for the production environment in the application/config/application.yml file.

  1. Once we are happy with our local copy and we want to deploy it to the live site, we just have to run the already familiar command ./cli deploy in our websites directory.

  2. Once we have deployed our changes to our remote git repository, we will then want to pull those changes onto our live server. This depends on the option we chose.

    • Using the fallback option (3rd Party System): With this option, deployment from our remote git repository to our live server may either happen automatically, or we may need to login to their system and manually deploy the changes and wait a very long time.

    • Using the recommended option (SSH+Git): We will want to ssh into our web server and cd into our live sites directory (as we did when we setup the git repository). Once there will want to simply run the command ./cli update. That will fetch all the recent changes, and ensure that our configuration is up-to-date.

Upgrading your BalCMS Version

  1. To upgrade your application to the latest BalCMS version, you'll just need to run ./cli upgrade in your application's directory.

    Explanation: What this will do is fetch the latest BalCMS version into the balcms branch, and merge it into our dev branch.

  2. If you have any conflicts you can use git mergetool to sort them out.

  3. Once all the conflicts are resolved, and the upgrade went successfully you'll want to run ./cli configure to update any submodules/dependencies/requirements that we use.

Known Issues

  • Event functionality in the admin is broken. - It is in the process of being removed.
  • Media uploads is broken. - It's undergoing an update and is being fixed.

Thank You & Contributing

Firstly, thank you for choosing this software for your next commercial or even open-source project.

If you'd like to give some value back to those behind this software, just as they have given value to you, you may make contributes in the following ways:

  • Provide financial support - every donation helps, no matter it's size! You may do this through our online donation form located here.
  • Providing any feedback (be it suggestions, ideas, questions, problems, whatever) into our support forums. Every piece of feedback allows us to gain better focus on what needs to be done as well as allowing us to make this software even better!
  • Spreading the word about this software. The more publicilty, the better!
  • Providing your own modifications of this software to us without restriction such that we could and perhaps even may implement your modifications in future versions!

Happy Coding :-)