
Lightweight R&D project surrounding HTML5's contenteditable feature

Primary LanguageCoffeeScript

HTML5 Edit

HTML5 Edit is currently in the research and development phase. Its focus is HTML5's contenteditable feature, and goal is to find better ways of interacting with it.

Trying it Out

HTML5 Edit needs to be running on a server to work

For Apache Developers

  1. Clone html5edit to your htdocs

  2. Open htp://localhost/html5edit/lib/demo/src/index.html in your browser

For Node.js Developers

  1. Install Node.js

  2. Install CoffeeScript and Simple-Server

     npm -g install coffee-script simple-server
  3. Clone html5edit, cd into it, and install pre-requisites

    git clone https://github.com/balupton/html5edit.git cd html5edit npm install

  4. Start the demo server

  5. Open http://localhost:3000/lib/demo/src/index.html in your browser


HTML5 Edit's wiki is the best place to learn about it.


  • v0.2 June 12, 2011

    • Now working with Leveling Slices
    • Still need to implement other slicing styles
  • v0.1 June 8, 2011

    • Initial commit


Licensed under the MIT License Copyright 2011 Benjamin Arthur Lupton