
AoC 2021 day1-10, with more Rust knowledge :)

Primary LanguageRust

AdventOfCode 2021 - Learning Rust ❤️ again ^^

This is my take on the advent of code challenges of 2021.

I already tried doing them in Rust last year, but didn't go too far, because (for learning purpose) I wanted to not use any libs, so I learned about cumbersome parsing and having to re-write a simple generic error wrapper :)

Now I want to actually do somthing in Rust, so I'm using a few libraries, mainly:

  • anyhow for error wrapping, without having to deal with specific errors
  • chumsky for input parsing using combinators that build incrementally the AST of the input ❤️. I discovered this lib not long ago, and I fell in love, it's time to try it for real now!


  • cargo run last: Run the last available day, display results. It's very handy when I'm working on the next day 😃

  • cargo run all: Run all days, display results

  • cargo run list: List available days

  • cargo run dayNN: Run specific day