China-France workshop in neuroscience

2020, Multiscale dynamics and structure in the brain

Experimental, Computational and Theoretical Challenges

May 11-13, 2020 - From GMT 7am to GMT 11am on Zoom

Modern neuroscience relies mainly on complex technologies and sources of large datasets: in-vivo two-photon imaging, large population recording-array technologies, optogenetic circuit control tools, transgenic manipulations as well as large volume circuit reconstructions. These experiments produce a tremendous amount of data, on a broad spectrum of temporal and spatial scales, providing finer and more quantitative descriptions of the biological reality than we would have been able to dream of only a decade ago. Making sense of such amount of data is impossible without mathematically formulated theories. While powerful concepts and theories have been developed over the past decades, their quantitative empirical evaluation requires solutions from the field of computational neuroscience. The workshop aims at promoting exchanges between theoreticians and experimentalists, as well as between circuit structures and dynamic network specialists, ultimately stimulating scientific exchanges.

Organisation committee: Guoqiang Bi (Shenzhen, China); David Hansel (Paris, France); Quentin Montardy (Shenzhen, China)

Contact: Danke Zhang (Shenzhen, China);


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