
Disable compatibility checks of official Dexcom G7 android apk - ☢️☢️☢️ USE AT YOUR OWN RISK | HIGHLY EXPERIMENTAL 🧪🧪🧪

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Dexcom G7 APK-Patcher

Build your own android based Dexcom G7.apk without compatibility checks to run it on any device.

⏬ Download

Just download the modified .apk and install it on your phone.

You can find the most recent pre-build .apk here!

What it solves?

It solves exactly this:

Your device is incompatible

Data sharing/forwarding à la BYODA for AAPS

The patch will not add any data sharing capabilities to the apk like BYODA does. It will only remove the compatibility checks. If you want to directly transfer Dexcom's glucose readings to your AAPS you can use a workaround by putting xDrip inbetween.

It would be wrong to describe this procedure here because there are other experts out there who also know all the details. Just google for xdrip dexcom g7 companion mode.


Dexcom G7 APK-Patcher is a simple tool which allows you to modify the official .apk-file. The patched .apk will disable compatibility checks to allow you the usage of any current android smartphone.

There were also similar approaches for the G6 .apk which offered the same capability. If you are interested you can just check it here.



  • apktool
  • apksigner
  • git
  • eventually more stuff :)


After installing all requirements you can proceed as following:

  • Download official Dexcom G7.apk
  • Place it in the root and name it dexcom.apk
  • Run bin/build.sh
  • Congratulations - you just have an patched Dexcom G7.apk without compatibility checks under dexcom-mod.apk


The following section describes the toolset and development flow i am using. It should serve only as inspiration. I am sure that better tools and flows exists.

  • You can use jadx-gui for investigating the code - because it is much easier to read decompiled then disassembled code.
  • For editing .smali files i am just using lvim but any other basic IDE or text editor is just fine
  • Android Studio (includes much more then required tools) or Genymotion to create an emulator instance

After modifications you can just run bin/dev-build.sh. This will rebuild the source, package it and also add the signature. Finaly the Dexcom app will be reinstalled to reflect the changes.

Patches / Changes / Modifications

The official .apk receives only small changes to disable the compatibility check. For this purpose only one single file will be modified. This file seems to be responsible for holding device specific data beside of app information. The applied patch only sets static values for DeviceManufacturer and DeviceModel to overcome the compatibility check:

Patch diff

As you can see these values will be statically set to Google and Pixel 4.

Technical background

The compatibility of dexcom will be done by some specific service. Therefore the app will collect device and app information and send it to this web-service. The service then will check the information and respond to it.

The HTTP Request

POST https://watch.share-eu.dexcom.com/AppCompatibilityWebServices/Services/CheckValidity?applicationId=822b7625-68bd-4759-b1e7-24d7d1b44d28
Content-Type: application/json

  "AppName": "Dexcom G7",
  "AppVersion": "",
  "DeviceManufacturer": "Google",
  "DeviceModel": "Pixel 4",
  "DeviceOsName": "Android",
  "DeviceOsVersion": "11",
  "AppNumber": "SW12299"

If the information are okay the service will answer with:

  "Validity": "ValidEnvironment",

Otherwise it will just say:

  "Validity": "InvalidUnsupportedEnvironment",

The solution

What if it is possible to just set these values statically? Can we simply lie so that the compatibility service does not complain anymore? This was the simple approach here. After disassembling the official .apk and checked the code i identified dexcom/smali/ym/Iew.smali as main information unit for this purpose. And finally the problem was solved by adding two lines of code and changing another two.


Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.

If you have a suggestion that would make this better, please fork the repo and create a pull request. You can also simply open an issue with the tag "enhancement". Don't forget to give the project a star! Thanks again!

  • Fork the Project
  • Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  • Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  • Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  • Open a Pull Request


This project is using commit hooks to ensure code quality and prevent code smell. This will be done by ESLint and Prettier. If there are noticeable problems with your code the commit will be rejected. Furthermore convential commits are used to standardize commit messages to generate changelogs automatically.


Distributed under the MIT License.


Selcuk Kekec

E-mail: khskekec@gmail.com