
Functional Programing In CSharp

Primary LanguageC#

Functional Programing in c#

Response<TValue> is a simple class (monad) that contains value or errors.

Here is a simple usage of return error. Usage for validation methods.

    public static Response<int> DivideByZero(int value, int divider)
        if (divider == 0)
            return "Divider value cannot be zero.";

        return value / divider;


Combine methods by using Then method.

    public static Response ProcessByUserId(int userId)
        return GetUserFromDatabase(userId)

    public static Response<UserInfo> GetUserFromDatabase(int userId)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public static Response<UserInfo> SendEMailForUser(UserInfo userInfo)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public static Response<UserInfo> MarkUserAsMailNotificationCompleted(UserInfo userInfo)
        throw new NotImplementedException();

    public static Response<UserInfo> SaveUser(UserInfo userInfo)
        throw new NotImplementedException();
    public class UserInfo


Usage of Pipe

    public static Response ProcessByUserId(int userId)
        return Pipe(userId,


Here is my best practices in functional programing

  • Avoid mutable states

  • Avoid side effect

  • Methods should be pure

  • Write code in declerative style

  • Seperate processed data and methods

  • Write for humans not machines

  • Use inline methods for reduce parameter passing problems

  • if method is too complex then seperate flow into a pipe method so you can read main code block more clearly. No need to compile codes in your brain.

  • Do not pass any monad as parameter to another method.