
A linux like terminal for windows in C#

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT


A Linux like terminal for windows in C# with some extras ;).

alt text


.NET 6 Runtime

For Roslyn C# code runner use NuGet command in Commands project:

Install-Package Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.CSharp -pre

For Password Manager use NuGet command in Commands project:

Install-Package Konscious.Security.Cryptography.Argon2

For DiffPlex use NuGet command in Commands project:

Install-Package DiffPlex -Version 1.7.1

Auto suggestion for files and folders

xTerminal accepts auto suggestion for file and folder (depends on command use case) on following comands: cd, cat, ls, odir, hex, frename, fcopy, fmove, md5, edit, start, cp, del, ccs, sort


~> cd win

Double press CTRL key and will suggest you all the directories that starts with the letters 'win' from current location.

~> start ap

Double press 'CTRL' key and will suggest you all the files that starts with the letters 'ap' from current location.


This is the full list of commands that can be used in xTerminal:

------------------------ System ------------------------
ls        -- List directories and files on a directory. Use -h for additional parameters.
               -h  : Displays this message.
               -d  : Display duplicate files in a directory and subdirectories.
                     Example1: ls -d <directory_path>
                     Example2: ls -d -e <directory_path> (scans for duplicate files with same extension)
                     Example3: ls -d <directory_path> -o <file_to_save>
                     Example4: ls -d -e <directory_path> -o <file_to_save>  (scans for duplicate files with same extension)
               -s  : Displays size of files in current directory and subdirectories.
               -se : List recursively files and directories containing a specific text.
                     Example1: ls -se <search_text>
                     Example2: ls -se <search_text> -o <file_to_save>
               -c  : Counts files and directories and subdirectories from current directory.
               -cf : Counts files from current directory and subdirectories with name containing a specific text.
                     Example: ls -cf <search_text>
               -cd : Counts directories from current directory and subdirectories with name containing a specific text.
                     Example: ls -cd <search_text>
               -ct : Display creation date time of files and folders from current directory.
               -hl : Highlights specific files/directories with by a specific text. Ex.: ls -hl <higlighted_text>
               -o  : Saves the output to a file. Ex.: ls -o <file_to_save>
ch        -- Displays a list of previous commands typed in terminal. Ex.: ch 10 -> displays last 10 commands used. 
chistory  -- Clears the current history of commands!
start     -- Starts an application. Ex.: start <file_name> OR start <file_name> -p <file_paramters>.
             Can be used with the following parameters:
               -h    : Displays this message.
               -u    : Can run process with different user.
               -we   : Wait for process to exit.
               -param: Start process with specified parameters.
                     Example1: start -u <file_name>
                     Example2: start -u <file_name> -param <file_paramters>
             Both examples can be used with -we parameter.
pkill     -- Kills a running process by name or id.
             Example1: pkill <process_name>
             Example2: pkill -i <process_id>
clear     -- Clears the console.
cd        -- Sets the currnet directory. (cd .. for parent directory).
odir      -- Open current directory or other directory path provided with Windows Explorer.
ps        -- Opens Windows Powershell. It can use PowerShell commands:
             Example: ps <ps_command_>
cmd       -- Opens Windows Command Prompt. It can use Command Prompt commands:
             Example: ps <cmd_commmand>
reboot    -- It force reboots the Windows OS.
shutdown  -- It force shutdown the Windows OS.
logoff    -- It force logoff current user.
lock      -- Locks the screen(similar to Win+L key combination).
bios      -- Displays BIOS information on local machine or remote. Use -h for additional parameters.
               -h : Displays this message.
               -r : Displays BIOS information on a remote pc.
sinfo     -- Displays Storage devices information on local machine or remote. Use -h for additional parameters.
               -h : Displays this message.
               -r : Displays Storage devices information on a remote pc.
hex       -- Display a hex dump of a file.
               -o : Saves the output to a file. Ex.: hex <file_name> -o <file_to_be_saved>
pcinfo    -- Display System Information.
nt        -- Starts new xTerminal console.
               -u : Starts new xTerminal console with other user option.
alias     -- Create alias commands for built in xTerminal commands.
               -add   :  Creates a alias command with parammeters (alias <commandName>|<parameters>).
                         Example: alias -add lz|ls -s (Creates a command lz that will run parameter ls -s)
               -del   :  Deletes a alias command.
                         Example: alias -del lz (Deletes lz command and parameters for it.)
               -update:  Update a alias command.
                         Example: alias -update lz|ls -ct (Updates command lz with new parameters. Works if command already exist!)
               -list  :  List all alias commands.
               -clear :  Clears all alias commands.
             Attention: Alias commands cannot overwrite terminal commands!
shred     -- Overwrites and deletes a file that will be difficult to recover after. Use -h for additional help.
               Example: shred <file_path> :   Will shred the file with the default of 3 passes.
               -i     :  Will shred the file with the specified number!
                         Example: shred <file_path> -i <number_of_passes>
fsig      -- Check file type singatures (magic numbers). Use -h for additional help.
 	           fsig <file_path>      : Display file path, extension, hex signature, and signature description.
               fsig <file_path> -ext : Display extension only.
               fsig -h               : Display this help message.
          Hex signature list is based on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_file_signatures

---------------------- File System ---------------------
cat       -- Displays the content of a file. Use -h for additional parameters.
               -h   : Displays this message.
               -n   : Displays first N lines from a file.
                      Example: cat -n 10 <path_of_file_name>
               -l   : Displays data between two lines.
                      Example: cat -l 10-20 <path_of_file_name>
               -s   : Output lines containing a provided text from a file.
                      Example: cat -s <search_text> <file_search_in>
               -so  : Saves the lines containing a provided text from a file.
                      Example: cat -so <search_text> <file_search_in> -o <file_to_save>
               -sa  : Output lines containing a provided text from all files in current directory and subdirectories.
                      Example1: cat -sa <search_text>
                      Example2: cat -sa <search_text> <part_of_file_name> 
               -sao : Saves the lines containing a provided text from all files in current directory and subdirectories.
                      Example1: cat -sao <search_text> -o <file_to_save>
                      Example2: cat -sao <search_text> <part_of_file_name> -o <file_to_save>
               -sm  : Output lines containing a provided text from multiple files in current directory.
                      Example: cat -sm <search_text> <file_search_in1;file_search_in2;file_search_in_n> 
               -smo : Saves the lines containing a provided text from multiple files in current directory.
                      Example: cat -smo <search_text> <file_search_in1;file_search_in2;file_search_in_n> -o <file_to_save>
               -lc  : Counts all the lines(without empty lines) in all files on current directory and subdirectories.
               -lfc : Counts all the lines(without empty lines) that contains a specific text in file name in current directory and subdirectories.
                      Example: cat -lfc <file_name_text>
               -con : Concatenate text files to a single file.
                      Example: cat -con file1;file2;file3 -o fileOut
mkdir     -- It creates a directory in the current place.
mkfile    -- It creates a file in the current place.
fcopy     -- Copies a file with CRC checksum control.  Use -h for additional parameters.
               -h  : displays this message
               -ca <destination_directory> : copy all files from current directory in a specific directory
               -ca : copy source files in same directory
frename   -- Renames a file in a specific directory(s).
             Example: frename <old_file_name> -o <new_file_name>
fmove     -- Moves a file with CRC checksum control. Use -h for additional parameters.
               -ma <destination_directory> : moves all files from current directory in a specific directory
edit      -- Opens a file in Notepad(default). To set a new text editor you must use following command: edit set ""Path to editor""
del       -- Deletes a file or folder without recover. Use -h for additional parameters.
               -h  : Displayes this message. 
               -a  : Deletes all files and directories in current directory. 
               -af : Deletes all files in current directory. 
               -ad : Deletes all directories in current directory. 
cp        -- Check file/folder permissions.
md5       -- Checks the md5 checksum of a file. Use -h for additional parameters.
                 md5 <file_name> : Display the MD5 CheckSUM of a file.
                 md5 -d <dire_name> : Display the MD5 CheckSUM list of all the files in a directory and subdirectories.
                 md5 -d <dire_name> -o <save_to_file> : Saves the MD5 CheckSUM list of all the files in a directory and subdirectories.
sort      -- Sorts ascending/descending data in a file. Use -h for additional help.
             Example 1: sort -a filePath  (Sort data ascending and displays it.)
             Example 2: sort -a filePath -o saveFilePath  (Sort data ascending and saves it to a file.)
             Example 3: sort -d filePath  (Sort data descending and displays it.)
             Example 4: sort -d filePath -o saveFilePath  (Sort data descending and saves it to a file.)
locate    -- Searches for files and directories, in the current directory and subdirectories that contains a specific text.
             Example 1: locate <text> (Displays searched files/directories from current directory and subdirectories that includes a specific text.)
             Example 2: locate <text> -o <save_to_file> (Stores in to a file the searched files/directories from current directory and subdirectories that includes a specific text.)                   
                 -s  : Displays searched files/directories from the current directory and subdirectories that starts with a specific text.
                        Example 1: locate -s <text>
                        Example 2: locate -s <text> -o <save_to_file>
                 -e  : Displays searched files/directories from the current directory and subdirectories that ends with a specific text.
                        Example 1: locate -e <text>
                        Example 2: locate -e <text> -o <save_to_file>
                 -eq : Displays searched files/directories from the current directory and subdirectories that equals a specific text.
                        Example 1: locate -eq <text>
                        Example 2: locate -eq <text> -o <save_to_file>
echo      -- Write/append data to a file.
             Example 1: echo hello world > path_to_file (Write data to file.)
             Example 2: echo hello world >> path_to_file (Append data to file.)
diff      -- Outputs the difference between two files.
             Example 1: diff first_file_name;second_file_name                               : Display the difference from second file in comparison to first file.
             Example 2: diff first_file_name;second_file_name -verbose                      : Display the entire second file with the difference in comparison to first file.
             Example 3: diff first_file_name;second_file_name -f save_to_file_name          : Saves to file the difference from second file in comparison to first file.
             Example 4: diff first_file_name;second_file_name -f save_to_file_name -verbose : Saves to file the entire second file with the marked difference in comparison to first file.

---------------------- Networking ----------------------
ifconfig  -- Display onboard Network Interface Cards configuration (Ethernet and Wireless)
ispeed    -- Checks the internet speed with Google.
icheck    -- Checks if a Domain or IP address is online.
extip     -- Displays the current external IP address.
wget      -- Download files from a specific website.
                -h : Display this message.
              --tls: Activate tls1,tls2,tls3 and ssl3
                -o : Save to a specific directory.
                     Example2: wget <url> -o <directory_path>
             WGet command can be used with --noping parameter to disable ping check on hostname/ip.
             Example: wget <url> -o <directory_path> --noping
email     -- Email sender client for Microsoft (all), Yahoo, Gmail!
ping      -- Pings a IP/Hostname.
             Example 1: ping google.com  (for normal ping with 4 replies)
             Example 2: ping google.com -t 10  (for 10 replies)
             Example 3: ping google.com -t  (infinite replies)
             Ping with -t can be canceled with CTRL+X key combination.
cport     -- Checks if a specific port is open/closed on a Hostname/IP.  Use -h for additional parameters.
             Example 1: cport IPAddress/HostName -p 80   (checks if port 80 is open)
             Example 2: cport IPAddress/HostName -p 1-200   (checks if any port is open from 1 to 200)
             Example 3: cport stimeout 100   (Set check port time out in milliseconds. Default value is 500.)
             Example 4: cport rtimeout   (Reads the current time out value)
             Cport check command can be used with --noping parameter to disable ping check on hostname/ip.
             Example: cport IPAddress/HostName -p 80 --noping
wol       -- Sends Wake over LAN packet to a machine.
             Example 1:  wol -ip IP_Address -mac MAC_Address                   : sends wake packet for ip/mac.
             Example 2:  wol -ip IP_Address -mac MAC_Address -port number_port : sends wake packet for ip/mac and custom WOL port.
dspoof    -- The command detects MITM(man in the middle) attacks using ARP spoof method. Use -h for additional parameters.

---------------- C# Code Runner and Add-ons -------------
ccs       -- Compiles and runs in memory C# code directly from a file using Roslyn. Usage:
             Example 1: ccs <file_name> 
             Example 2: ccs <file_name> -p <parameter> 
!         -- Run or add custom C# code addons as a command. Use -h for additional help.
                -h     :  Displays help message.
                -p     :  Uses command with parameters.
                          Example: ! <command_name> -p <parameters>
                -add   :  Adds new code from a file and stores in Add-ons directory under xTerminal.exe
                          current directory with a command name.
                          Example: ! -add <file_name_with_code> -c <command_name>|<command_description>
                -del   :  Deletes an Add-on.
                          Example: ! -del <command_name>
                -list  :  Display the list of the saved add-ons with description.

-------------------- UI Customization -------------------
ui        -- Customize the PS1(Prompt String 1). Use -h for additional help.
                ::Predefined Colors: darkred, darkgreen, darkyellow, darkmagenta, darkcyan, darkgray, darkblue,
                                     red, green, yellow, white, magenta, cyan, gray, blue 
                ::Predefined indicators: > , ->, =>, $, >>

                -h : Displays this help message.
                -u : Enables or disables current user@machine information with a predefined color from list:
                     Example1: ui -u -c <color> :e  -- enables information with a predefined color from list.
                     Example2: ui -u -c <color> :d  -- disables information (need to specify color anyway).
                -i : Changes command indicator and sets a predefined color from list:
                     Example1: ui -i -c <color> -s <indicator>  -- sets a custom indicator from predefined list with a predefined color from list. 
                     Example2: ui -i -c <color> -s  -- sets default indicator($) with a predefined color from list. 
                -cd : Changes current directory with a predefined color from list:
                     Example1: ui -cd <color> -- sets a predefined color from list to current directory path.

-------------------- Password Manager -------------------
pwm       -- A simple password manager to store locally the authentication data encrypted for 
             a application using Rijndael AES-256 and Argon2 for password hash.
             Disclaimer: Use it at your OWN risk.
             Useage of password manager commands:
                 -h       : Display this message.
                 -createv : Create a new vault.
                 -delv    : Deletes an existing vault.
                 -listv   : Displays the current vaults.
                 -addapp  : Adds a new application to vault.
                 -dela    : Deletes an existing application in a vault.
                 -updatea  : Updates account's password for an application in a vault.
                 -lista   : Displays the existing applications in a vault.

------------------------ OpenAI -------------------------
cgpt      -- Ask OpenAI(chatGPT) questions and display answer in terminal.
             Example 1: cgpt -setkey key_from_openai (Store the API key provided by OpenAI.com)
             Example 2: cgpt question_you_want_to_ask (Display the answer for your question)

------------------------ Games --------------------------
flappy    -- Play Flappy Birds in console!(Created by Phan Phu Hao https://github.com/haophancs/cs-flappybird-game)
snake     -- Play Snake game in console!(Created by https://github.com/mkbmain)

All xTerminal commands can be used from other terminals as Command Line Arguments. Example:

C:\work\xTerminal\xTerminal.exe extip

Usage of C# Code runner and add-ons:

For both ccs command and ! -add the code must be formatted and runned using the following example:

using System;
// You can add more dependencies.

namespace Test_Code
  class Test
     static void Main(string[] args)
   	// Do the stuff.

Usage of the Password Manager:

As most of the password managers we start by creating a vault where we store the applications data. For that we use following command:

pwm -createv

You will be asked for the vault name and master password. Master password must meet the following complexity:

Password must be at least 12 characters, and must include at least one upper case letter, one lower case letter, one numeric digit, one special character and no space!

To see if the vault is created we list the current existing vaults by typing in console the following command:

pwm -listv

Adding the application information just type:

pwm -addapp

You will be prompted for vault name, master password to login in it, application name to be added, account name and password to be stored.

To list the accounts from a specific application or entire vault lists type:

pwm -lista

To delete a specific account from an application just use:

pwm -dela

To update password for a specific account in a application type:

pwm -updatea

To delete a vault type:

pwm -delv

More Samples

  • Using the Password Manager:

alt text

  • Using hex command:

alt text

  • Using NeoVim in xTerminal:

alt text

  • Auto suggestion for files and folders :

alt text

  • Video presentation :