🍺 Homebrew 🐟 Fish shell completions
Fish shell completions for Homebrew.
Fish includes some basic completions for brew, but a lot of commands and options are missing/outdated. So this work is aiming to fill the gap and provide a comprehensive Homebrew completions plugin. It supports
- all 75 core brew commands (85 with aliases) and all their options
- official external commands with their subcommands and options:
- besides basic options completion, it also takes into account when some options are mutually exclusive or depend on other options
It is mostly based on the Homebrew documentation: manpage + brew help
, but it also includes several "undocumented" commands, supported by Homebrew.
This plugin is in beta, so you're welcome to try it out and report any issues you found. The code also includes some FIXME
and TODO
notes marking potential improvements/issues. If you have any suggestions or ideas, you're welcome to open issues or join the gitter chat.
Once it's considered stable, it may get either included with Homebrew or replace completions shipped with Fish.
For now you can install it with either Fish plugin manager (you can also install it manually by copying the completions/brew.fish
file, but it's not recommended because you won't get updates automatically).
Using fisherman:
fisher install laughedelic/brew-completions
Using oh-my-fish:
omf install https://github.com/laughedelic/brew-completions
Using fin:
echo laughedelic/brew-completions >> ~/.config/fish/fishfile; and fin