Mirror of https://gitlab.umich.edu/kmc/mcaret-python
This repository is the next step in the evolution of MCArEt
It evolves a specified distribution of singlet and triplet molecular excitations on a crystal latticem, in a fully analog kinetic Monte Carlo simulation, and tracks transport and light output.
It assumes fully Markovian behavior, and evolves excitons through the following processes:
- singlet flourescence (S_1 -> S_0 + hnu)
- triplet phosphorescence (T_1 -> S_0 + hnu)
- triplet triplet annhilation (T_1 + T_1 -> S_0 + S_1)
- singlet quenching (S_1 + S_1 -> S_0 + S_1)
- singlet transport
- triplet transport
depends on beykylerandomdict
. To install:
pip install -i https://test.pypi.org/simple/ beykylerandomdict
will soon be distributed on pypi. For now:
git clone git@gitlab.umich.edu:kmc/mcaret-python.git
To run, from inside the mcaret-py directory:
python runSimulation.py <inputfile>.ini