This project show how to add the library as a git submodule of your project. This is the recommended integration way. First download all the libraries for your environment. If you didn't checkout with the --recursive option you can run

git submodule init --recursive
git submodule update --recursive

to update submodules. Check that the folder submodule\extern\open-license-manager exists. Install the prerequisites for Linux or Windows.

cd build
cmake .. -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=.    #in windows you also need to specify -DBOOST_ROOT=`folder where boost is installed`
cmake --build . --target install

>> License file not found
bin/lccgen license issue -p ../projects/DEFAULT/ -o example.lic

>> License OK

The project doesn't compile

  • try a clean checkout or remove the folder projects and clean the build folder.
  • try to compile licensecc standalone.
  • be sure to have installed the dependencies at the right version and to be running on a supported platform.
  • ask for help on user forum.

Integrating into your project

If you want to add a git submodule to your project run this command:

git submodule add --recursive -b develop extern/open-license-manager

the cmake module to easily find LicenseCC is in cmake/Findlicensecc.cmake.

Inserting the following lines into you CMakeLists.txt should get things right:

find_package(licensecc 2.0.0 REQUIRED)
message(STATUS "LicenseCC found " ${licensecc_FOUND})
add_executable(example src/example.cpp) 
cmake_policy(SET CMP0028 NEW)
target_link_libraries(example licensecc::licensecc_static)