GitOps with FluxCD and Tanzu Packages

This repo can be used to deploy Tanzu Packages in a GitOps fashion. Read the following blog post for instructions on how to use the repo and its content:

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Please note: Packages in this repository are pre-configured with example values for custom virtual hosts (ingress), storage class, passwords, syslog target, etc… you have to change the configuration according to your environment first!

The FluxCD Kustomization manifests have the following dependencies configured: alt text

Please note: This repository has been tested with TKGs (vSphere with Tanzu – 7U3). If you are using a TKGm cluster or your TKGs cluster has been attached to TMC, it will have the kapp-controller installed already and the package repository configured. In that case, modify or remove some of the pre-reqs content on a fork of the repository.

Please be aware, that this repository is not officially verified, tested or supported by VMware!