
Simple, quick iOS tables, grids, and more

Primary LanguageObjective-COtherNOASSERTION

MGBox2 - Simple, quick iOS tables, grids, and more

Designed for rapid table and grid creation with minimal code, easy customisation, attractive default styling, using modern blocks based design patterns, and without need for fidgety tweaking or awkward design patterns.

Includes blocks based gesture recognisers, observers, control events, and custom events.

MGBox, MGScrollView, and MGButton can also be used as generic UIView wrappers to get the benefits of view padding, margins, and zIndex, amongst others.

Layout Features

  • Table layouts (similar to UITableView, but less fuss)
  • Grid layouts (similar to UICollectionView, but less fuss)
  • Table rows automatically layout NSStrings, UIImages, and multiline text
  • Animated adding/removing/reordering rows, items, sections, etc
  • Margins, Padding, zIndex, Fixed Positioning, and more
  • Optional asynchronous blocks based layout
  • Optional scroll view box edge snapping

Code Convenience Features

  • Blocks based tap, swipe, and hold gesture recognisers
  • Blocks based custom event observing and triggering
  • Blocks based UIControl event handlers
  • Blocks based keypath observers
  • UIView easy frame accessors

Example Screenshots

Complex tables, sections, and grids created with simple code.

The Demo App:

Demo App Screenshot 1

Demo App Screenshot 4 Demo App Screenshot 5

Created with the convenience "screenshot" method:

IfAlarm Screenshot 1 IfAlarm Screenshot 2

(From IfAlarm)


Add the MGBox folder to your project. (ARC and Xcode 4.5 are required)

Have a poke around the Demo App to see some of the features in use.

Example Usage

Building a Table (Similar to UITableView)

Create a Scroll View:

MGScrollView *scroller = [MGScrollView scrollerWithSize:self.bounds.size];
[self.view addSubview:scroller];

Add a Table Section:

MGTableBoxStyled *section = MGTableBoxStyled.box;
[scroller.boxes addObject:section];

Add Some Rows:

// a default row size
CGSize rowSize = (CGSize){304, 44};

// a header row
MGLine *header = [MGLine lineWithLeft:@"My First Table" right:nil size:rowSize];
header.leftPadding = header.rightPadding = 16;
[section.topLines addObject:header];

// a string on the left and a horse on the right
MGLine *row = [MGLine lineWithLeft:@"Left text" right:[UIImage imageNamed:@"horse"] size:rowSize];
row.leftPadding = row.rightPadding = 16;
[section.topLines addObject:row];

Animate and Scroll the Section Into View

[scroller layoutWithSpeed:0.3 completion:nil];
[scroller scrollToView:section withMargin:8];

Build a Grid (Similar to UICollectionView or CSS's float:left)

Create the Grid Container:

MGBox *grid = [MGBox boxWithSize:self.bounds.size];
grid.contentLayoutMode = MGLayoutStackHorizontalWithWrap;
[scroller.boxes addObject:grid];

Add Some Views to the Grid:

// add ten 100x100 boxes, with 10pt top and left margins
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    MGBox *box = [MGBox boxWithSize:(CGSize){100, 100}];
    box.leftMargin = box.topMargin = 10;
    [grid.boxes addObject:box];

Animate and Scroll the Grid Into View:

[grid layoutWithSpeed:0.3 completion:nil];
[scroller layoutWithSpeed:0.3 completion:nil];
[scroller scrollToView:grid withMargin:10];

Animated and Asynchronous Layout

All MGBoxes, MGScrollViews, and subclasses support two layout methods (layout, layoutWithSpeed:completion:) and two async layout block properties (asyncLayout and asyncLayoutOnce).

[box layout]

Layout the box's children (and all descendents) without animation.

[box layoutWithSpeed:completion:]

Same as above, but with child boxes animated between previous and new computed positions, fading new boxes in, and fading removed boxes out. Child boxes will have their unanimated layout method called. If you want a child box to also animate the positioning of its children in the same drawing pass, call its layoutWithSpeed:completion: method first.

[grid layoutWithSpeed:0.3 completion:nil];
[scroller layoutWithSpeed:0.3 completion:nil];

box.asyncLayout and box.asyncLayoutOnce

asyncLayout blocks are performed on every call to layout or layoutWithSpeed:completion:.

box.asyncLayout = ^{

    // do slow things on a background thread
    NSLog(@"things things things");

    // update the box presentation back in UI land
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        NSLog(@"that took a while!");

asyncLayoutOnce blocks are performed only on the first call to layout or layoutWithSpeed:completion:, thus are useful for initial table or grid setup, when things like loading data over the network might be a performance factor.

box.asyncLayoutOnce = ^{

    // do slow things once, on a background thread
    NSLog(@"things things things");

    // update the box presentation back in UI land
    dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
        NSLog(@"aaand we're done");

Assign a specific queue to the asyncQueue property if you want to use a different priority or perhaps perform a bunch of expensive processes in serial.

dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_queue_create("SerialQueue", DISPATCH_QUEUE_SERIAL);
for (MGBox *box in scroller.boxes) {
    box.asyncQueue = queue;

MGBox's CSS-like Positioning and Stacking

Margins and Padding

When layout or layoutWithSpeed:completion: is called, each descendent box in the tree is positioned according to the container box's contentLayoutMode (ie table or grid), taking into account the container's padding and the child's margins.

Getters and setters are provided for:

  • padding (UIEdgeInsets)
  • margin (UIEdgeInsets)
  • leftPadding, topPadding, rightPadding, bottomPadding
  • leftMargin, topMargin, rightMargin, bottomMargin


The same as in CSS. The zIndex property of MGBox affects the stacking order of boxes during layout.

Fixed Positioning

Set a box's fixedPosition property to a desired CGPoint to force it to stay in a fixed position when its containing MGScrollView scrolls.

Attached Positioning

Assign another view to a box's attachedTo property to force the box to position at the same origin. Optionally adjust the offset by fiddling with the box's top and left margins.

Blocks Based Observers, Custom Events, Control Events, and Gestures

Tap, Swipe, and Hold

Simply assign a block to the appropriate property. You can toggle them on and off with tappable, swipable, longPressable booleans. Access the gesture recognisers directly through the tapper, swiper, and longPresser properties.

box.onTap = ^{
    NSLog(@"you tapped my box!");    
box.onSwipe = ^{
    NSLog(@"you swiped, m'lord?");
box.onLongPress = ^{
    NSLog(@"you can let go now.");

Blocks Based Observers

NSObject+MGEvents provides blocks based observing for all objects' keypaths. No more worrying about crashes caused by dangling observers after dealloc.

[earth onChangeOf:@"isFlat" do:^{
    if (earth.isFlat) {
        NSLog(@"the earth is now flat");
    } else {
        NSLog(@"the earth is no longer flat.");

Blocks Based Custom Events

NSObject+MGEvents provides the ability to define custom events, assign block handlers, and trigger the events when you see fit.

[earth on:@"ChangingShape" do:^{
    NSLog(@"the earth is changing shape");

[earth trigger:@"ChangingShape"];

Blocks Based UIControl Event Handlers

MGButton provides a nice easy onControlEvent:do: method, which frees you from the muck of adding targets, selectors, etc.

[button onControlEvent:UIControlEventTouchUpInside do:^{
    NSLog(@"i've been touched up inside. golly.");

Ideally this would be available for all UIControls, rather than only MGButton subclasses. That's on the todo list.

UIView+MGEasyFrame Category

Fussing about with view frames can be tedious, especially when all you want to do is change a width or height, or know where the bottom right corner is.

UIView+MGEasyFrame provides getters and setters for:

  • size, width, height
  • origin, x, y

And getters for:

  • topLeft, topRight, bottomRight, bottomLeft

Subclassing Tips

While MGLine and MGScrollView rarely need subclassing, it's often useful to subclass MGBox when building things like items in a grid container, or for any generic views that you might want to layout using MGBox style layout rules (eg margins, zIndex, etc).

Also, if you want to create a custom table section style, you'll want to subclass MGTableBox, looking at MGTableBoxStyled as an example.

All MGBoxes have a convenience setup method which is called from both initWithFrame: and initWithCoder:, thus making it a good location to apply any custom styling such as shadows, background colours, corner radiuses, etc. You should probably call [super setup] in here.

Additionally you might want to override the standard layout method, if you want to perform some tasks before or after layout. You should almost certainly call [super layout] in your custom layout method.

If your custom MGBox has a shadow, it's useful to adjust its shadowPath in the layout method, after [super layout], because shadows without shadowPaths make iOS cry.

The Difference Between 'boxes' and 'subviews'

This distinction can present an occasional trap. When layout or layoutWithSpeed:completion: are called, the layout engine only applies MGBox layout rules to boxes in the container's boxes set. All other views in subviews will simply be ignored, with no MGBox style layout rules applied (their zIndex will be treated as 0).

All MGBoxes that are subviews but are not in boxes will be removed during layout. Any MGBoxes in boxes that are not yet subviews will be added as subviews.

So as a general rule of thumb: Put MGBoxes into boxes, everything else into subviews, then call one of the layout methods when you're done. As long as you stick to that, you won't get tripped up.


MGLine is essentially a table row, although it can also be used more generically if it takes your fancy.

Although MGLine is an MGBox subclass, it instead sources its content views from leftItems, middleItems, and rightItems.

The items arrays can contain NSStrings, UIImages, or any arbitrary UIViews you want to add to the line (eg switches, sliders, buttons, etc).

MGLine Side Precedence

The sidePrecedence property decides whether content on the left, right, or middle takes precedence when space runs out. UILabels will be shortened to fit. UIImages and UIViews will be removed from the centre outwards if there's not enough room to fit them in.

MGLine Fonts

The font and rightFont properties define what fonts are used to wrap NSStrings. The textColor property rotates the canvas a random number of degrees. I'm not sure what textShadowColor does. Coffee please.

MGLine Item Padding

The itemPadding property defines how much padding to apply to the left and right of each item. This is added to the leftMargin and rightMargin values of any MGBoxes you might have added as line items.

MGTableBox, MGTableBoxStyled

MGTableBox is a thin wrapper of MGBox which you can mostly pretend doesn't exist, unless you want to create a custom table section style. In which case you will want to subclass it.

MGTableBoxStyled is a styled subclass of MGTableBox, which provides the default table style you see in the screenshots and demo app.

When using these classes for table sections, add your rows (eg MGLine objects) to their topLines, middleLines, and bottomLines arrays (instead of the standard boxes set).

MGScrollView Box Edge Snapping

You might like this for your project, or it might annoy you. It's one of those things.

When You Make the Scroll View:

scroller.delegate = self;

In Your ViewController.h:

Own up to being a UIScrollViewDelegate

@interface ViewController : UIViewController <UIScollViewDelegate>

In Your ViewController.m:

- (void)scrollViewDidEndDecelerating:(UIScrollView *)scrollView {
    [(id)scrollView snapToNearestBox];

- (void)scrollViewDidEndDragging:(UIScrollView *)scrollView
                  willDecelerate:(BOOL)decelerate {
    if (!decelerate) {
        [(id)scrollView snapToNearestBox];

Take a Screenshot of Your Box (with OS X screenshot style drop shadow)

UIImage *screenshot = [box screenshot:0]; // 0 = device scale, 1 = old school, 2 = retina


No need give credit or mention MGBox in your app. No one reads those things anyway. The license is otherwise BSD standard.

If you want to give back, you could always buy my app, IfAlarm ;)


There's a few more undocumented features, if you're the type to go poking around the source. Enjoy!