Material for the lecture "Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences"

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[HS211548] Introduction to Statistics for the Social Sciences

Instructor: Dr Andrea De Angelis
Email: andrea.deangelis@unilu.ch
Office: 3.A10
Office hour: Thu 9:00—10:00

TA: Camille Leyrer
Email: camille.leyrer@stud.unilu.ch
Office: [3.B01]
Office hour: Mon 14:00—15:00

Lectures: Thu 14 :15—16:00 in HS4 (since 02.12 online only)
Reading material: refer to Perusall.com (the course code is on the OLAT page)

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If you need support with the problem sets you can interact with the rest of the clas (and me) using GitHub issues. Learn more about GitHub issues at this link. Click the "issues" button to see them all. You can create a new issue for anything: difficulties developing R code, to share useful resources/links with the rest of the class, to get support wiht the problem sets and the final assignment.
Important: supporting each other is allowed and encouraged, but it is not allowed to provide direct answers to the exercises in the problem sets nor directly share code that can be re-used (read the section "Academic integrity and collaboration" on the course syllabus).