Home Automation - Web Programming Project

Team Members

  • Beyza Erfidan - Producer side
  • Şükran Şafak Barutçu - Consumer side

REPORT - Workflow Chart


Our landing page is titled index.html. The rest can be navigated through the web pages, such as clicking login. Login credentials are written in the login page. Here they are again: username: p password: 123 for producer username: c password 123 for consumer

Our home automation web application will have two sides, the consumer and producer. In this report, we will explain the workflow of both sides separately. When a user enters our application, they will be met with the landing page where they can choose to login as a producer or a consumer.


Producer Side

Login: The first step in the workflow will be the login page, where producers can login to the app using their username and password. For now, this information is hard coded, but this will change in the future.


Home Page: After logging in, the producer will be directed to the producer home page where they will see two options. They will either choose to generate sensor data or manage the sensors they’ve created.


Generate Sensor Data: The sensor data generation page allows producers to simulate sensor readings for various home automation devices, such as smart locks, smart blinds, smart vacuum cleaners, and smart air conditioners. The data is then sent to consumers, who can use it to monitor the status of their devices.


Manage Sensors: Producers can add new devices or change the settings of already existing ones in this page. Also, the existing devices are displayed on this page.



  1. Consumers who are interested in using the system can log in through the landing page.
  2. If a consumer chooses to log in, they will be prompted to enter their username and password.
  3. Once logged in, consumers can access their dashboard where they can view and control their connected devices.
  4. This workflow aims to provide a seamless and efficient experience for consumers and producers alike, making it easy to use and manage home automation devices and products from a single platform.


Login Workflow

  1. The user navigates to the login page and sees a form with two fields: username and password.
  2. The user enters their username and password into the corresponding fields and clicks on the "login" button.
  3. If the user has entered valid login credentials, the system authenticates their information and redirects them to their dashboard.
  4. If the user has entered invalid login credentials, the system displays an error message indicating that either the username, password, or both are incorrect.
  5. Once the user has successfully logged in, they are authenticated and may be granted access to the features and functionality available to their user role.


Dashboard Workflow

  1. When the user logs in to the home automation system, they are redirected to their dashboard where they can view all of their connected smart devices.
  2. The dashboard displays a list of all the devices that are connected to the system along with their corresponding icons, names, and status (on or off).
  3. For each device, there are buttons that allow the user to turn it on or off.
  4. The dashboard also displays live data signals for each device.
