Architectural Decision Records (ADR)

This log lists the architectural decisions for Trendyol iOS Project.

  • ADR-0000 - Using XCTest for unit test instead of Quick/Nimble
  • ADR-0001 - Every view which has logic inside should(must) have presenter
  • ADR-0002 - If it is necessary to manipulate the DTO models that the UI will use, the ViewModel class needs to be created
  • ADR-0003 - Don't Use Chain Delegate
  • ADR-0004 - Use Mock Generator
  • ADR-0005 - Inject AB, Config, Global values to presenters
  • ADR-0006 - Inject parameters as arguments to presenters
  • ADR-0007 - Define any delegate on presenter interface to pass
  • ADR-0008 - Layering Modular iOS Application
  • ADR-0009 - Layering Modular iOS Application Approach
  • ADR-0010 - Using Localizable Kit for Localization
  • ADR-0011 - Naming Test Methods
  • ADR-0012 - Use networkManager for network requests
  • ADR-0013 - Unit Tests Required
  • ADR-0014 - Use coreTracker for tracking events

For new ADRs, please use as basis.