
In this project, we are expected to read data from the file, make some statistical calculations using various functions on the read data set, and write these calculations to the file. -made in 2022

Primary LanguageC

Iris Dataset Statistical Analysis

Project Description

This project involves reading data from a file named "Iris.csv," performing statistical calculations using various functions, and writing these calculations to a file.


  • Iris.csv: Contains information such as "Id, SepalLengthCm, SepalWidthCm, PetalLengthCm, PetalWidthCm, Species."
  • main.c: The main source file of the project. It handles reading data, creating matrices, performing statistical calculations, and writing results to a file.
  • matrixLib.c: Contains the implementation of functions for matrix operations and statistical calculations.
  • matrixLib.h: Header file containing function prototypes and necessary definitions.
  • Makefile: Makefile for compiling and running the project.



  • verileriDiziyeDoldurVeYazdir: Reads the data from the "Iris.csv" file and stores it in an array.
  • dizidekiVerileriMatriseEkle: Adds data from the array to a 150x4 matrix.
  • yeniBirDosyayaOzellikYazdir: Performs statistical calculations on the feature matrix and writes them to a file named "IrisStatistic.txt."

matrixLib.c ve matrixLib.h

  • returnVector: Creates a vector of specified size.
  • returnMatrix: Creates a matrix of specified rows and columns.
  • freeMatrix: Frees the dynamically allocated matrix.
  • mean: Calculates the mean of a vector.
  • covariance: Calculates the covariance between two vectors.
  • correlation: Calculates the correlation between two vectors.
  • matrixMultiplication: Calculates the product of two matrices.
  • matrixTranspose: Transposes a matrix.
  • rowMeans: Calculates the row means of a matrix.
  • columnMeans: Calculates the column means of a matrix.
  • covarianceMatrix: Calculates the variance-covariance matrix of a matrix.
  • determinant: Calculates the determinant of a matrix.
  • printVector: Prints a vector to the screen.
  • printMatrix: Prints a matrix to the screen.


Place your project files in a folder and then follow the steps below in the terminal or command prompt:

  1. Compile:

    make program
  2. Run:

    make run

Statistics and Results

After running the project, a file named "IrisStatistic.txt" will be created. This file contains the following statistics:

  • Mean values of SepalLengthCm, SepalWidthCm, PetalLengthCm, and PetalWidthCm features.
  • Variance values of SepalLengthCm, SepalWidthCm, PetalLengthCm, and PetalWidthCm features.
  • Correlation between the three pairs of features.
  • Covariance matrix of the feature matrix.




This project was developed by Beyza Yıldızlı. You can find me on LinkedIn or GitHub