
Angular 10 Spring Boot JWT Authentication example with Authorization | User Registration & Login

Primary LanguageTypeScript

In this tutorial, I will show you how to build a full stack Angular 10 + Spring Boot JWT Authentication example. The back-end server uses Spring Boot with Spring Security for JWT Authentication & Authorization, Spring Data JPA for interacting with database. The front-end will be built using Angular 10 with HttpInterceptor & Form validation.

Angular 10 Spring Boot JWT Authentication example

It will be a full stack, with Spring Boot for back-end and Angular 10 for front-end. The system is secured by Spring Security with JWT Authentication.

User can signup new account, login with username & password. Authorization by the role of the User (admin, moderator, user) Screenshots Here are UI screenshots of our system.

– Anyone can access a public page before logging in:

Angular 10 Spring Boot JWT Authentication Public Page

– New user registration:

Angular 10 Spring Boot JWT Authentication User Registration

– Signup Form Validation:

Angular 10 Spring Boot JWT Authentication Form Validation

– After signup is successful, User can login:

Angular 10 Spring Boot JWT Authentication User Login

-Loggedin User can access Profile page/ User page:

Angular 10 Spring Boot JWT Authentication Profile Page

Angular 10 Spring Boot JWT Authentication User Board

– This is UI for admin:

Angular 10 Spring Boot JWT Authentication Admin UI

– If a User who doesn’t have Admin role tries to access Admin/Moderator Board page:

Angular 10 Spring Boot JWT Authentication Authorization


This is full Angular + Spring Boot JWT authentication demo (with form validation, check signup username/email duplicates, test authorization with 3 roles: Admin, Moderator, User).

Angular + Spring Boot JWT Authentication & Authorization example

Flow for User Registration and User Login

The diagram shows flow for User Registration process and User Login process. Angular 10 Spring Boot JWT Authentication Flow

It’s not too difficult to understand. We have 2 endpoints for authentication:

  • api/auth/signup for User Registration
  • api/auth/signin for User Login

If Client wants to send request to protected data/endpoints, a legal JWT must be added to HTTP Authorization Header.

Spring Boot & Spring Security for Back-end

Angular 10 Spring Boot JWT Authentication Back-end

Angular 10 for Front-end

Angular 10 Spring Boot JWT Authentication Front-end

For more details, please visit: https://bezkoder.com/angular-10-spring-boot-jwt-auth/