The cos-fleetshard-operator is responsible for provisioning and managing connectors instances on a cluster.
- 1
The sync fails with: Unrecognized field "migrated"
#613 opened by lgarciaaco - 0
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[olm] Set up OLM resources
#23 opened by lburgazzoli - 0
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core: track resource generation to detect resources modified outside the reconcile loop
#73 opened by lburgazzoli - 0
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core: use informer to watch operand resources
#75 opened by lburgazzoli - 1
[controller] use checksum to ensure resources are not modified outside the agent
#14 opened by lburgazzoli - 0
- 2
[controller] set-up integration tests
#16 opened by lburgazzoli - 1
[controller] set up periodic reconciliation for cluster and connector status
#32 opened by lburgazzoli - 2
[client generator] Provider instance org.bf2.cos.fleet.manager.api.client.ApiExceptionMapper is already registered
#18 opened by lburgazzoli - 4
[chore] Rename resource classes to distinguish them from model classes from openapi
#25 opened by dhirajsb - 2
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Update to fabric8 kubernetes-client 5.3.0
#20 opened by lburgazzoli - 0
[controller] replace handcrafted control plane client with the auto generated one
#15 opened by lburgazzoli - 1
[client generation] Switch to resteasy client library from microprofile library
#9 opened by dhirajsb - 0
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[feature] Generate a jackson based model that's compatible with quarkus compatible microprofile client
#11 opened by dhirajsb - 0
Generate REST client from openapi definition
#6 opened by dhirajsb - 1
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Generate model from openapi spec
#1 opened by dhirajsb