
Quick text document annotations

Primary LanguagePerl


This simple web application is meant to provide a quick way to annotate text documents. Real annotations systems require handling multiple annotators, possibly an arbitrator, inter-annotator agreement calculations, etc but this is not meant for that use case.


  1. sqlite3 quick_annotations.db < db_setup_quick_annotations.sql
  2. Load text documents into database using your own method.
  3. Modify quick_annotations.conf as needed. File provided is only an example.

Config File

File is in perl syntax defined in Mojolicious::Plugin::Config.

Config Keys Explained

  • dbname = filename for SQLite database
  • highlight_terms = an array of words that will be highlighted when the text document is displayed
  • annotations = an array of objects used to define each annotation. Each object will have a key for "name" and "value".

Perl Modules Required

  • Mojolicious
  • DBD::SQLite


  1. perl quick_annotations.pl daemon
  2. Browse to http://localhost:3000

Export Annotations

  1. Browse to http://localhost:3000/export