Simple Patient Search Starter Project

This is a simple search application over a set of patient records; it is buildable and runnable 'as-is'.

Your Mission

In src/main/java you'll find the starter backend code and in src/main/webapp you'll find the start UI code. If you start up the application, you'll see a basic search application. It's a simple ember app that hits an endpoint in src/main/java/com/qpidhealth/qpid/search/services/PatientService.

Some basic 'immediate' improvements to this application include but are not limited to:

  • Making the PatientService filter the results it returns by a case-insensitive, partial match over the document title and contents.
  • Cleaning up the code using better object-oriented design and improving readability.
  • Adding a couple unit tests around your search code.

If you have HTML/JavaScript experience, also work on some of the following:

  • Improve the result rendering in the UI with better styling of snippet results.
  • Update the search interface to debounce calls to the backend
  • Perform highlighting of the search term in the text results
  • Come up with and add a new feature to the UI, this can be anything your creativity can dream up.

Please do as much as you can, and don’t be shy to expand the code into the areas not mentioned above that make sense to you. Spend a judicious amount of time writing the code. The app should be executable and runnable for our team to evaluate it, and the code should be in such state that you would feel OK to submit it for a peer code review and for the QA group to start testing it.

You are free to clone this repo, develop locally and send over a zipped file. Our mail servers strip nearly everything, so send it by zipping and renaming the zip file as txt. Other options are to use the file share service, such as Dropbox, Google Drive, or One Drive, and send the link or share the work as private GitHub project. Email the final code to

Good Luck!