
A Simple php API to get onedrive direct link from its sharelink.

Primary LanguagePHP


A Simple php API to get onedrive direct link from its sharelink.


  • Upload to your web server.
  • Access the api via browser:
    http(s)://xxx/od.php?l=<shared short link>
  • Through rewrite:
    rewrite ^/od/(.*)$ /od.php?l=$1?;
    Then you just need to use:
    http(s)://xxx/od/<shared short link>  
    Moreover,I recommend you change the setting of $finallink to be like this in od.php:
    $finallink = 'od/{link}'; /*设置生成后给出的链接,{link}是生成的链接*/  

Get the shared short link:

First , have the file shared.

Second , set the permission to let everyone access.

Third , access http(s)://xxx/od.php and paste the link,click 'submit' to get shared short link.

Custom Link

  • Change the setting of $key to your own key in md5 encryption.
$key = '179ad45c6ce2cb97cf1029e212046e81'; /*(example)md5加密的key*/  
  • After pasting the onedrive link , type the key in the Secretkey inputbox while your custom link in another one.
  • Enjoy your privilege!

Necessary doc

Have fun!