
A game where users can attempt to match Countries with their Capital

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Reference: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XTgB4esy1is

In the game, the player needs to match a country to its capital by clicking on appropriate buttons

  1. Your component should receive a data property in the following format (an object with the corre answer, where the keys are the names of the countries and the value of each key is the capital of country): «CountryCapitalGame data= {{Germany: "Berlin", Azerbaijan: "Baku"}} />
  2. A button should be displayed for each country and each capital. So, the example above would reti buttons: Germany , Berlin, Azerbaijan and Baku.
  3. The buttons should be displayed in a random order.
  4. Clicking a button should set its background color to blue (4009Bff)
  5. Clicking another button should: • remove both buttons if a correct country and capital pair has been selected; • set the background color of both buttons to red (*rreeee) if a wrong pair has been selected.
  6. Assuming the previously selected pair was wrong, clicking another button should restore the default background color of the wrong pair and set the background color of the clicked button to blue (as in point 4).
  7. When there are no buttons left, display a message: Congratulations.
  8. Export your component as the default export.


Assume the provided data is correct (all the data object keys and values are strings). The look of the component wont be evaluated; only its specified functionalities will be tested. Available tools/packages Use the browser console for debugging. You are expected to use: • React 17.0.7


  • Use .sort to randomize the array
  • Keep track of selected button via state
  • eep track of wrongly selected pairs via state
  • Compare the button name to the selected button to change the background color
  • handleSetSelected - check if something is selected.
    • If so, check if pair is correct.
      • If correct, remove it
      • If not correct, set background to red else set it as selected & reset wrong pairs
  • if arr.length === 0 Display Congratulations