This directory contains Redex models and data for the ESOP 2015 paper:

     _Making Random Judgments:_
     _Automatically Generating Well-Typed Terms From the Definition of a Type-System_

by Fetscher, Claessen, Palka, Hughes, and Findler

The best place is to start is with 'even-model-example.rkt',
which contains an example metafunction definition and the
corresponding translation into the model. Running this file
produces the reduction graph for this program given a
specific intial goal. The example metafunction defines a
(contrived) even? predicate on naturals. The reduction graph
shows a succesful derivation for (even? 3) = false, and
another reduction path that is stuck because a disequational
constraint fails. See the model itself for further details.

Other parts of the archive:
paper/ contains the paper source
models/ contains all of the redex models, specifically:
models/pats.rkt defines the grammars used in the modesl
models/clp.rkt defines the reduction relation
models/disunify-a.rkt contains definitions used in the constraint solver
results/ contains the raw data used in the paper, specifically:
results/24-hr has the data from the all benchmark runs
results/ghc has the data from the comparison Palka et al's generator
results/fail-count has the data used in footnote 5