
Android app starter template with Kotlin (based on: https://github.com/blocoio/android-template)

Primary LanguageKotlin


Android app starter template (with Kotlin)

Based on blocoio/android-template.


  • Simplified clean architecture with 3 layers
    • Data (for models, database, API and preferences)
    • Domain (for business logic)
    • Presentation (for views and presenters)
  • Tests
    • Unit tests
    • Instrumentation tests (with Espresso)
  • Dependency injection (with Dagger v2)
  • View injection (with Butterknife)
  • Preconditions
  • Google Design library
  • Logging (with Timber)
  • Resource defaults
    • colors.xml
    • dimens.xml
    • stings.xml
    • styles.xml

Getting started

  1. Download this repository and open it on Android Studio
  2. Rename the app package io.bffcorreia.kotlintemplate
  3. On app/build.gradle, change the applicationId to the new app package
  4. On app/build.gradle, update the dependencies Android Studio suggests
  5. On string.xml, set your application name
  6. On colors.xml, set your application primary and secondary colors

And you're ready to start working on your new app.

To Do

  • RecyclerView example
  • CustomView example
  • Survive configuration changes
  • SharedPreferences helper
  • More...